Tear Jerkers in Due South include:

  • The "Victoria's Secret" arc in Due South. Especially at the end when Fraser chases the train to grab Victoria's hand and right when he reaches her gets accidentally shot by his best friend. Then, as he's lying on the platform bleeding, he recites the poem. Full scene here.
    • Oh, man. The scene that does it for me is Fraser in the confessional, as he calmly/numbly explains how he and Victoria fell in love. It's the precision, the details, the absolute devastating clarity of Fraser's description... * bawl*
  • Ray Kowalski's reaction when Vecchio turns up again and his devastating fear when he thinks he'll lose Fraser which leads him to ask Meg Thatcher of all people the following: "You ever feel like you don't know who you are? Like if you weren't around somebody or that somebody wasn't around you, that you wouldn't be you or at least not the "you" that you think you are? Do you ever feel like that?". Heartbreaking. And then there was Fraser's final epilogue.
  • The final scene from "Ladies Man" when Ray breaks down in his car and starts to cry and Fraser awkwardly tries to comfort him.

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