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* ''[[Aladdin: The Series]]'' didn't just have Genie continue this trope. His [[Distaff Counterpart]] and [[Love Interest]] Eden is also as hammy and anachronistic. The difference between Eden and Genie is that she'll bend the rules to make sure that her charge Dhandi doesn't just get a sandwich for her first wish, but food that will last a lifetime. (It helps that Dhandi is a [[Heartwarming Orphan]] who saves the day with her second wish.) When Dhandi accidentally wishes they could stay together forever while intending to free Eden, Eden doesn't mind. She says that Dhandi needs someone to care for her, and it's not going to be forever.
* ''[[Dead End: Paranormal Park (TV Series)| Paranormal Park]]'' reveals that Temeluchus the Demon King of all characters is this in the musical episode. He has a musical spell that Pugsley uses to turn the whole park into a musical as a distraction, and literally steals the show from Pauline Parker when it's his turn to sing. And yes, he loves [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]] during this duet with Pugsley.
* ''[[Gravity Falls]]'' shows with Bill Cipher that if you make a character like the Genie into the [[Big Bad]], he will be a crowd-pleaser. Bill shows repeatedly that [[The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You]], that he knows Time Baby from a [[Bad Future]] from huamnityhumanity, and that people love his hammy nature. Also, he will possess your body and use it to fall down a flight of stairs, [[For the Evulz]], if you make a deal with him.
== [[Other Media]] ==