EastEnders: Difference between revisions

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* [[Accidental Murder]]: Two notable examples being the death of Saskia Duncan by Steve Owen using an ash tray to defend himself and more recently the death of Heather Trott by Ben Mitchell using a photo frame. Both examples also involved a cover up.
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: Billy Mitchell was hazed on the day before his wedding and found himself wearing nothing but his boxers. He tries to ask a woman for some spare clothes, but then her dog tears off his boxers and she calls the police (even though she could clearly see the dog did it).
* [[All Asians Are Alike]]: The Ferreiras (South Asian, but still).
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* [[Cliff Hanger]]: If the episode ends in the famous 'Doof doofs...", it's most likely one of these.
** "You aint my muvva!" "Yes I am!!" Dun Dun dundundundun...
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Honey.
* [[Crapsack World]]: Crappier than the crappiest crap that a crap did when it took a crap in a bush, in winter! Every week someone is either murdered, having an affair, in trouble with the law, in trouble with the tax man, hurting their children; you would go mad from depression. You wouldn't go near Walford with a ten foot barge pole, with crap on the end!
* [[Death Is Cheap]] Dirty Den, or Grant Mitchell for who it is not so much cheap, as buy one, get one free...
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** Phil and Cocaine. An EXPLOSIVE mix.
** Phil and alcohol (it's still a drug).
** Janine on cocaine (turning to prostitution).
** Lauren on alcohol.
* [[Dumb Blonde]]: Jodie Gold takes this [[Up to Eleven]].
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** Janine's ability to dodge trouble (legal trouble at least) has been frequently lampshaded, and ensured that (minus about 4 people), everyone despises her openly, leading her to at least suffer several unpleasant (but comparatively insignificant) moments in life to balance things a little.
*** After Christmas 2010, the fact that she's now a permanent pariah, despised by her family and her husband (who even she acknowledged as her last chance at redemption), who tried to kill her; might be regarded as the Karmic Down-payment.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: Oh, so many ... including Den, this time permanently, and {{spoiler|Danielle}}.
* [[Knight Templar Parent]]: Played straight, Averted and Subverted, oh so very much.
* [[Live Episode]]: The 25th Anniversary episode.
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* [[Long Runner]]: 2010 marked the 25th anniversary.
* [[Love Triangle]]: Dear God! It is like there is an unwritten law that states that at least one love polygon should at in effect at all times! Examples included:
** Bradley, Max and Stacey.
** Bianca, Ricky, Sam, Minty, Heather.
** Christian, Syed, Amira.
** Gary, Dawn, Jase.
** Pat, Frank, Peggy.
** Pat, Harvey, Peggy.
** Jack, and virtually, the entire female cast.
* [[Luke, You Are My Father]]: Danielle.
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* [[My Local]]: The Queen Victoria Public House.
* [[Never Found the Body]]: Den Watts. (The first time.)
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Phil Mitchell's abusive treatment of his son Ben, who was quiet, intellectual and introverted, thus not a "real man". Eventually this caused Ben to snap under the pressure, attempt to toughen himself up, causing him to get into fights and get sent to juvenile detention facility. He then recieved more flak for coming out as gay. Eventually Ben grew so tired of the abuse he conspired to frame Phil for murder, which was overturned, leading him to {{spoiler|accidentally kill Heather in anger}}.
* [[Not Afraid of You Anymore]]: A few domestic abuse storylines end in a rather dramatic showdown, perhaps most epically with Little Mo (against Trevor) and Zainab (against Yusef) who both mentally tear apart their monsterous boyfriends to [[Villainous Breakdown|breaking point]] after being pushed too far.
{{quote|''Little Mo:'' "What's wrong, Trevor? ''[[Ironic Echo|Cat got your tongue?!?]]''}}
* [[Not Blood Siblings]]: Dennis Rickman and Sharon Watts.
* [[Obi-Wan Moment]]: {{spoiler|Yusef, after being tricked by his abused lover Zainab into searching for his daughter in a house he set alight, looks out to see her safe outside, he merely stands still in the burning room, with a small, almost impressed looking smirk before the house collapses around him)}}.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Done at least once per episode, usually followed by those closing drums.
* [[Orient Express]]: Den and Angie Watts spent their honeymoon on the train.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Oh so very much ...
* [[Pay Evil Unto Evil]]: Stacey Slater .
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Or more commonly, a black cab or a train.
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]: Spencer was hastily written out after actor Chris Parker attempted suicide. Similarly, the actor playing Gavin Sharp was abruptly axed so Gavin's storyline was wrapped up with a throwaway line of dialogue.
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* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: I don't know how Dot Cotton hasn't keeled over yet with her penchant for the puffies.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Janine.
* [[Soapland Christmas]]: (ohOh yeah - [[Trope Codifier]].)
* [[Spin-Off]]: Eastenders E20.
* [[Tangled Family Tree]]: The huge Branning-Jackson clan and the Mitchells as well. The fact that Jack Branning has managed to impregnate sisters Ronnie and Roxie Mitchell AND their cousin Sam Mitchell, must make things even worse! Through Blood, marriage and adoption, Big Mo and Little Tiffany are related to about 70% of the other characters.
* [[Teen Pregnancy]]: Loads. Sonia Jackson, Kat Slater, Lucy Beale, Lisa O'Brien and Demi Miller to name but a few.
** Michelle Fowler was the [[Ur Example]]. The resultant child, Vicki, ended up in the same situation herself, but opted for an abortion.
* [[Television Geography]] ; the London Underground station, Walford Mosque ( which has only appeared once ) and the speedway track where Rickaaaaaaaay raced in one arc, have all come and gone as locations.
* [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Sandwich]]: Count the number of times characters order tea in the caff or drinks in the Vic without drinking them.
* [[Trailers Always Spoil]]: Subverted at times, when they insert fake spoilers into their trailers to throw fans off the scent.
* [[Trash the Set]]: The Queen Vic was burnt to a crisp just to rebuild the set for high definition broadcast, and NOT to kill Peggy Mitchell (to the disappointment of some).
* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: ALL THE TIME! Especially if your last (maiden) name is Slater. Or Cotton. Dear God...
** Ronnie Mitchell. that is all.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Janine's normally a few steps from this at the best of times. and Christmas 2010 was most definitely one of her worst.
** A fair amount of the series' most ruthless villains end up driven over the edge in their closing moments, most explosive examples ([[Driven to Suicide|literally]]) include {{spoiler|Trevor, Yusef Khan and May Wright}}.
* [[Who's Your Daddy?]]: Heather and her baby. {{spoiler|Teenage Darren disappointingly turned out to be the father.}}) .
* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]] -: Would it KILL the producers to actually give Ronnie a happy ending where her baby DOESN'T die?
* [[You're Not My Father|You're Not My Mother]] -: Zoe screeching about her sister Kat not being her mother... [[Family Relationship Switcheroo|funny thing about that]].