End of an Age: Difference between revisions

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=== Early Modern (15th-18th Century) ===
* The [[Golden Age Of Piracy]] ended in the early 18th century, with the passage of the Treaty of Utrecht starting the final decline, since it marked the end of small navies led by conscripted sailors, and the rise of conscriptlarge navies filled with professional sailors. It decisively ended with the death of Bartholomew Roberts in 1722, at which point all the major pirate factions ceased to be a major threat to European shipping and armiescolonies.
* The French Revolution marked the end of the ideas of divine right of kings, absolute monarchy, and the end of royal armies. It also marked the start of nationalism, equality and liberty in Europe, to the point that even when the Bourbon monarchs were returned to the throne, they largely had to keep the reforms of the Revolution intact. Attempts by the French kings to fully overturn the Revolution in later decades often ended in them abdicating, and ultimately ended in France abolishing the monarchy completely.
=== 19th Century ===
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* [[The Golden Age of Video Games]] came to a screeching halt with the [[The Great Video Game Crash of 1983]], and coincided with the rise of home computing and the Japanese video games industry.
* The era after the fall of Communism in Europe (E Germany, etc) and friendship between the reforming USSR and America was called The New World Order by Bush 41. [[Conspiracy Theorist|Some took it another (facepalming) way.]]
* The OJ Simpson murder trial is held to have marked the end of several eras.
** The first thing it marked the end of the ability of athletes managing to become actors or major players in mainstream society en masse. OJ's history as an athlete, combined with this being used to defend him meant athletes would now be put under harsh scrutiny if they tried to become an actor or branch out from their sports career. While still not unheard of, the ability of athletes to do this en masse largely collapsed after the trial.
** The trial marked the end of an interracial social justice movement for a long time, since the fact many African Americans were willing to look beyond all the evidence insinuating OJ killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman and acquit him simply based on race led to many white Americans feeling the acquittal was a severe miscarriage of justice. An interracial justice movement would not remerge en masse until the murder of George Floyd 25 years later.
** The trial also marked the start of the end of law enforcement being seen as flawless public servants, as the revelations of widespread racism in law enforcement during the case led to police being seen much more differently than before the trial.
=== 21st Century and Beyond ===