Enlistment-Ending Minor Malaise: Difference between revisions

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* Nearly occurred with American Admiral and long distance marksmanship champion Willis Augustus "Ching" Lee, who very much needed glasses due to his childhood adventures in bomb making. Despite high marks at the naval academy, a vision test near the end ''would'' have gotten him dismissed, had the rest of the class not gathered together to help him cheat at it. He would go on to be a thoroughly excellent Admiral and his career only ended when he died seven days before the end of [[World War II]].
* Former President of the United States [[Donald Trump]] was spared participation in the [[Vietnam War]] in 1968 when [https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/26/politics/trump-bone-spurs-vietnam-war/index.html his podiatrist diagnosed him] with [https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/heel-spurs-pain-causes-symptoms-treatments heel spurs]. This painful condition that makes walking difficult appears to have resolved itself shortly after the war ended.
* Stephen King mentioned in ''On Writing'' that he considered enlisting for the Vietnam War in the hopes it would inspire a book; his mother made him go to college instead because she didn't want him returning in a coffin. The biography ''Haunted Heart'' reveals that he wasn't qualified anyway due to punctured eardrums from a procedure meant to cure his ear infections as a child. (King wasn't that grateful as a child, saying the experience taught him to never trust doctors saying "This won't hurt.")