Epic Games/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ascended Meme]]: The lack of a shopping cart in the Epic Games Store.
** Which is an irony in and of itself, since the rest of Epic Games' other stores, like Unreal Engine, have shopping carts that allows multiple purchases.
* [[Broken Base]]:
* To some gamers, Epic Games just:
** In May 18, 2010, blames piracy on low sales in the past and hypocritically stated that they will never support PC gaming or gamers that play on PC.
** Ruins their games, like [[Unreal Tournament]] and [[Fortnite]], made worst that Epic Games doesn't know what to do with some of those games or adding updates that the community didn't ask for, which renders their games unplayable/unfun, or worst outright anti-consumer.