Epic Hail: Difference between revisions

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** And ''[[Up to Eleven|even more]]'' epic is Eärendil sailing to Valinor to plead for the Valar to come to Middle-earth and aid the Free Peoples in their fight against Morgoth, at the end of ''[[The Silmarillion|Quenta Silmarillion]]''. Oddly, the actual hail we get is from ''them'' to ''him'':
{{quote|''"Hail Eärendil, of mariners most renowned, the looked-for that cometh at unawares, the longed-for that cometh beyond hope!"''}}
* In [[James Swallow]]'s ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' ''[[Blood Angels]]'' novel ''Deus Encarmine'', Rafen is deeply troubled by the events and goes to [[Talking to the Dead|speak with his dead mentor, Koris]]. He finds his vox, with its command codes, not yet disabled. Using it, Rafen sends a message to their headquarters, detailing all that has happened.
* The Dark Mark of ''[[Harry Potter]]'' is a more sinister example of this. It is generally used to call the Death Eaters (who, keep in mind, are a group of [[Complete Monster|murderous racists]]) together, and does so by causing a tattoo on their forearms to burn. An alternate version acts as a giant, floating, glowing, signpost which they use to mark the sites of their [[Moral Event Horizon|atrocities]]. Also, it looks rather unpleasant (being a putrid skull with a snake for a tongue).
* In ''[[Myth Adventures|Myth Conception]]'' Skeeve wanted to use enemy signal tower to tell the enemy he defeated their company, as they ran too quickly to do it themselves. While his advisors try to remember flag code, he realises there's a simple way to do it. {{spoiler|Burning the whole tower is clear enough "signal".}}
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** Happened again in ''Ultraman Dyna's'' movie when Queen Monera kills Dyna by sucking out his energy. A kid with a Tiga figure has everyone give their light to summon Tiga to revive Dyna. Once more, butt kicking ensues.
* On ''[[Game of Thrones]]'', when Robb decides to rally the Stark bannermen and march south, the show depicts dozens of messenger ravens flying from Winterfell in all directions.
* On the ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]'' [[Mac Guyver]] special, Adam and Jamie had to improvise one of these using parts acquired from an abandoned campsite. Though the campsite was set up so that the guys would have the materials to build a potato cannon, they ended up [[Off the Rails|building a giant kite instead]]. It still worked.
== [[Mythology]] ==
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* In ''[[Mulan]]'', the Huns scale the Great Wall of China. The leader, Shan Yu, confronts a sentry, silently daring him to light the fire basin that would begin the signal relay informing the Emperor of the invasion. He does, of course, and very dramatically:
{{quote|'''Guard''': Now all of China knows you're here!
(Shan Yu snaps the Emperor's flag from its post, [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|burning it in the signal fire]])
'''Shan-Yu''': ''Perfect.'' }}
* ''[[Thundercats]]'' and ''[[Thundercats 2011|ThunderCats (2011)]]'' - THUNDER! THUNDER! THUNDERCATS, HO!
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