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Trash saves an [[Intrepid Reporter]] who nearly died trying to expose the truth of the GCC's actions, and she suggests a more direct way to stop the GCC -- kidnap the company's president and hold him hostage!
For the ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'' version, please go to the [[Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S07 /E05 Escape 2000|episode recap page]].
{{tropelist|''1990: The Bronx Warriors'' and ''Escape from the Bronx/Escape 2000'' contain examples of:}}
* [[A Million Is a Statistic]]: Both in-universe, GCC causing a ''genocide'' in the Bronx and showing no remorse whatsoever; and the movie itself, due to the sheer number of mooks, civilians, and secondary characters in both sides, {{spoiler|and all sans two of them wind up dead by the end of ''Escape 2000''}}.
* [[Badass]]: Really this whole "leave the Bronx" thing probably would've worked a lot better if Trash wasn't in town that week.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: Dablone, a musclebound gang leader who chews the scenery ''with gusto''.
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* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Examples abound.
{{quote|'''Trash''': You fuck! It could be a pile of shit from someone's asshole!}}
* [[Complete Monster]]: Floyd Wengler is said to be this in-universe.
{{quote|'''Moon Grey''': ''[to a press conference]'' Now we all know who Floyd Wengler is: a torturer, an expelled prison warder, a KILLER!
'''Floyd''': [[Card-Carrying Villain|Mister President...I'm worse than anybody.]] }}
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* [[Dumb Muscle]]: This was probably not the intention but Trash certainly comes off as this, although moreso in the second film than the first.
* [[Eighties Hair]]: Trash looks like the drummer from Ratt...'s brother.
* [[Every Car Is a Pinto|Every Car/Helicopter Is A Pinto]]: And all it takes is a few shots from a little revolver. Who knew?
** Apparently Ford vans will explode if you shoot them with a shotgun.
* [[Everything Is Better With Explosions]]: Might be one of the best examples.
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* [[Shrouded in Myth|Shrouded In Mystery]]: Mark Gregory (Trash) vanished from public view and quit acting in about 1989 and hasn't been seen or heard of ever since.
* [[Tagalong Kid]]: Junior, Strike's assistant.
* [[Unknown Rival]]: Trash and Wengler never meet nor share a single scene together trough all of ''Escape 2000''. Trash never even knows of his existence or plans, and {{spoiler|kills him}} only because the other tried to run him over with a truck and shot him in the process.
* [[Wretched Hive]]: <small>THE BRONX</small>
* [[You Fail Geography Forever]]: <small>THE BRONX</small> has always been known for its scenic views of Lower Manhattan, and the Williamsburg Bridge is the best way to get to Riverdale.
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[[Category:Escape 2000]]
[[Category:Cult Classic]]
