Even Evil Has Standards/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Arc Rise Fantasia]]'' has Prince Weiss {{spoiler|agreeing to a peace treaty}}. Considering how, until that point, he's expressed very strong imperialistic sentiments, it's something of a surprise to the party.
* ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'' has a lot of conversations between henchmen delve into this after getting the Batclaw. It varies from some henchmen being less than thrilled about their friends' past exploits, getting fed up with the antics of the super villains, and even one case of [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]. Hell, Harley {{spoiler|released Poison Ivy, even though she wasn't on Joker's party list, not that it bothered him though. And even Joker had to give Harley props for all her hard work.}}
** Even the Joker (or rather, [[It Makes Sense In Context| a specter of him that only Batman can see]]) has this in ''[[Batman: Arkham City]]''. When [[Evil Teacher| Henry Adams]] murders one of his own henchmen in cold blood, the Joker says to Batman, "Even I don't know who to root for now." A few seconds later, he decides, telling Batman to kill him.
* In ''[[Makai Kingdom]]'', when it's revealed that one of the Demon Overlords once tried to rape a woman - and is now trying to get revenge on her for ''having fought back'' - the other Demon Overlords pretty much agree that he's scum. Of course, considering that the demons of [[Nippon Ichi]]'s games tend toward the [[Anti-Villain]], [[Affably Evil]], [[Card-Carrying Villain]], and of course [[Noble Demon]] types, this actually makes sense.
* Aurum gets a massive tongue lashing by the entire party (even the demons) in the last chapter of ''[[Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice]]'' after all the horrible stuff he did to Mao.
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** [[Serious Business|or sleep in somebody else's bed]] for that matter
* There's not one, but two assassin's guilds in ''[[Morrowind]]'' (and the Elder Scrolls universe as a whole), the Morag Tong and the Dark Brotherhood. Originally a single group, they split over ethical disagreements. The Morag Tong is strictly professional and Imperially sanctioned, while the Dark Brotherhood will take any job and go to any lengths to accomplish it.
* ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]'': Drug dealing is presented as the ultimate evil in ''[[Grand Theft Auto III]]'' and ''[[Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas|San Andreas]],'' though it's perfectly acceptable in ''Vice City'' and ''[[Chinatown Wars]]''.
** Niko Bellic from ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]'' may be a mass murderer and an smuggler but he detests men who are violent towards women. He is also against drugs even at one point (in a optional side mission) helping a drug abusive woman on the street to quit and to move out of the city and get an education. It is also noted that Niko will never harm a woman unless the player makes him (when carjacking a female driver he just pulls them out the car and will never harm them).
** He did hit Gracie Ancelotti a few times while he was kidnapping her. Granted it was to make her cooperate, but still.
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** In one mission, a bit of [[Enemy Chatter]] has a member of [[Big Bad|Arachnos]] expressing doubts about working with Phipps:
{{quote|"I don't know how I feel about this with Phipps. It's...I don't know. There's wrong...and then there's WRONG."}}
* In ''[[Baldur's Gate|Baldur's Gate II]]'', one of the ''very'' few decent things you ever hear [[Heroic Sociopath|Korgan]] [[Axe Crazy|Bloodaxe]] say only occurs if you pursue Jan Jansen's personal quest to help his friend's child. When it comes to light that the little girl's catatonia stems from being physically abused by her father, Korgan -- whoKorgan—who we must remind you is an [[Ax Crazy]] murdering bastard -- condemnsbastard—condemns the actions leading to her condition.
{{quote|'''Korgan:''' Ehhh, there be many things I would do gladly. Harming children be not one of them. Her man be a cur and not worthy of the spittle on me boot.}}
* In ''[[Mega Man Legends]] 2'' during a raid Teisel Bonne orders the [[Mascot Mook|Servebots]] to take everything but the toilet paper. Why not the toilet paper? Because they're pirates, not ''barbarians''.
** And at the end of ''[[Mega Man Battle Network]] 5'', {{spoiler|Dr. Wily}} lectures his son [[Complete Monster|Regal]] for using the [[Soul Net]] like he did, saying even ''he'' was disgusted, despite all he himself had done. Then he [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|wipes the last ten years from Regal's memory so he can return to being a benevolent scientist]].
* ''[[Killer 7Killer7]]''. Garcian and Dan Smith, two experienced and hardboiled (and sadistic in Dan's case) killers, are disgusted and appalled by the actions of [[Complete Monster|Curtis Blackburn]], who abducted young girls, sodomized them, and killed them. He also abducted young boys and harvested their organs for sale on the black market.
* Like in the movie, Tony in ''[[Scarface the World Is Yours]]'' refuses to harm innocent people. Go ahead and try to shoot someone that is not an enemy. Tony will flat out refuse to shoot them..
* Dr. Eggman from the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' series - In ''[[Sonic Adventure 2]]'''s Last Story, {{spoiler|when the Eclipse Cannon malfunctions and a program left behind by Professor Gerald [[Colony Drop|sends the ARK hurtling towards the Earth]], Eggman's response to his grandfather's plan for vengeful omnicide is quite simply, "That mad scientist!" ([[Lampshade Hanging|Amy: "That should be you, right?"]]) He then proceeds to form a temporary alliance with Sonic and company to stop the colony from hitting the Earth}}. He also expresses disgust at the actions of the Black Arms in ''[[Shadow the Hedgehog]]'', but makes it clear that it's due to them interfering with his goals.
{{quote|"How can I take over the city & create the [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|Eggman Empire]], if there is no city?!" }}
** However, by the [[True Final Boss]] in ''Shadow'', Eggman makes it abundantly clear that he's disgusted at [[To Serve Man|the Black Arms' plan]] and that Gerald allied with them fifty years ago.
* Crime syndicate Duelhorn in ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics A2]]''. They know they are nothing but criminals, but they say that they do not attack innocent people and they even attack other criminals that go after innocents. {{spoiler|Alys saves a caravan that is attacked by a band of thugs and Marquis had saved an innocent girl from Kahmja. Duke Snakeheart eventually conspires to break up his fellow bosses and take over the clan as the sole boss just because he doesn't agree with the whole protecting the innocents and he wanted more power. He even went and attacked the girl that Marquis saved, but Marquis got his revenge.}}
* Yellow 13 from ''[[Ace Combat]] 4: Shattered Skies'' isn't all that evil, to be honest, but he does still show disapproval when some of his countrymen set up an AA gun on a hospital.
* In ''[[Ace Combat]] 7: Skies Unknown'', despite Erusea being the aggressor in the war with Osea, the idea of [[Rogue Agent]] Captain Torres running around with nuclear weapons is unacceptable enough to the former that even though they could easily gain victory if they would just get out of the way and let him nuke Osea's capital to force a surrender, they instead choose to leak the plans of his super-sub to Osea so that he can be stopped before a million civilians get killed.
* [[Affably Evil]] [[Career Killer]] Shelley de Killer from ''[[Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney]]: Justice For All'' has very strict standards. {{spoiler|To win the game, you have to show him just how much of an amoral [[Complete Monster]] his current boss is, up to and including ''planning to blackmail him'' over the murder he was hired to commit. Disgusted at just how lacking in standards his boss is, Shelley releases his hostage and plans to kill his boss next, and he pleads guilty so he can be safe from Shelley in jail.}}
** Also inverted and likely played straight in the same case, where Phoenix, {{spoiler|realizing that Matt Engarde was more or less responsible for the murder in question, struggles ridiculously hard to get him acquitted, as doing so means that Maya, who's in captivity by Matt's hired hitman, will be set free.}} Of course, Edgeworth picks up on it and, since he's been away to do some soul-searching and realised that he should searching for the truth instead of just earning his guilty verdicts (which leads on to the events preceding ''Trials & Tribulations'' and ''Investigations''), he helps Phoenix eventually resolve the crisis. And when asked by Edgeworth why he seems to be {{spoiler|rejoicing despite getting his first guilty verdict in his entire ''career'', Phoenix simply replies, "It doesn't feel right."}}
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** For one quest in ''New Vegas'', you need to steal a ledger from two slave traders so that the NCR can arrest them. If you read the ledger yourself, it reveals that the slavers have decided not to sell anymore slaves to Cook-Cook, a [[Complete Monster]], [[Pyromaniac]] and sadist, after he torched one of the kids they sold him for fun.
** Not sure if it fits here, but Butch of ''Fallout 3'' is the resident [[Jerk Jock]], but later in the game, if you recruit him and start doing evil things, he'll begin to comment on your actions by saying things like, "Bad is one thing, evil is another". Even he doesn't approve of half the things your evil Wanderer does.
** [[Blood Knight|Legatus]] [[The Dragon|Lanius]] will gladly crush anyone who opposes him in his quest to bring the might of the Legion to bear in the Mojave. If you oppose him in a certain way, he expresses his intent to [[Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon|nail you to the west-facing side of the Hoover Dam]] [[And I Must Scream|"so you can watch your world die"]]--and—and yet he finds the methods of the Frumentarii, such as dirty-bombing Searchlight and subjecting Nipton to a sadistic lottery, distasteful. He also refuses to lead his men to a [[Pyrrhic Victory]] where they will inevitably die of attrition and reveals that he personally believes that he's lost too many of his men getting to this point despite what Caesar thinks.
*** Caesar also is subjected to similar standards as he disapproves of Vulpes Inculta's methods of expansion (the aforementioned dirty-bombing and lottery)
** The Legion themselves are pretty much all the bad parts of the Roman Empire--crucifixionsEmpire—crucifixions, enslavement, ransacking various other societies--butsocieties—but they really, really hate drug dealers... something you can use to your advantage if you're trying to give the Great Khans a reason to defect.
** Despite their racism towards nonhumans (something almost unheard of) the Legion won't shoot them on sight.
* Though ''[[Jak and Daxter|Jak 3]]'' established Veger as a [[Knight Templar]] in favor of [[Light Is Not Good|Light Eco research]], some fanworks still portrayed him as joining the Dark Makers, or responsible for the Dark Warrior Program, because [[Dark Is Evil]] after all. However, his cameo in ''[[Gaiden Game|Daxter]]'' has him vehemently arguing with Erol ''against'' the DWP, saying that it's "disgusting" and a "failure", and warning Erol that it will be his downfall and those "eco freaks" won't save them. He's half-right.
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** Oh and {{spoiler|1=In the alternate past where Kamila was accidentally killed by Dandy, (He fell on a lever that released a concrete statue that landed on her), he has a VillainousBreakdown at that.}}
* In [[Super Robot Wars K]], this trope is invoked by [[Overman King Gainer|Gainer]] who, after seeing the destruction of Berlin at the hands of the Destroy Gundam, comments that, even at its worst, the [[Punch Clock Villain|Siberian Railroad]] never even came close to [[Complete Monster|Blue Cosmos]]' acts of depravity.
* ''[[Prototype (video game)|Prototype]]'' : The hero, Alex Mercer, is a [[Humanoid Abomination|"man"]] with [[Lovecraftian Superpower|Lovecraftian Superpowers]]s who [[I'm a Humanitarian|physically assimilates people in order to regain health and take their memories and skills]], [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|on a bloodthirsty quest to find who made him that way]]. Later, we discover that {{spoiler|[[Tomato in the Mirror|the protagonist is actually the virus itself, using Mercer's form and memories]]. The ''real'' Alex Mercer was a sociopathic scientist who worked on improving the lethality of Blacklight, not caring about the consequences simply because it wasn't his job to care. After he caught wind of a coming purge of his company, he tried to make a run for it, carrying a vial of his improved Blacklight as insurance. When that failed, he broke it and released the deadliest virus ever created into Manhattan ''out of spite'', not even caring that his own ''sister'' was in the city. When we learn this, the Blacklight virus ''itself'' is disgusted}}.
** In ''[[Prototype 2]]'', one of the sidequests involves capturing scientists involved in "Project: New Templar". When they finally reveal that the project involves {{spoiler|sterilizing immigrants and poor people}}, Heller is so disgusted that he refuses to consume them, instead choosing to {{spoiler|fly to maximum altitude on the helicopter they're in and then jump out so that the scientists plummet to their deaths.}}
* ''[[Zork]] II: The Wizard of Frobozz'' : A text adventure where your main opponent is the titular Wizard, who will randomly appear and harass you with all sorts of spells that [[Brought to You by The Letter "S"|begin with the letter F]], and some of which may incidentally result in your death. One other character you will meet is a [[Damsel in Distress|woman in a trance]]. If you should be such a heel as to attempt to besmirch her honor, the Wizard (who has shown no particular interest in helping her before) will immediately appear and cast a spell on you reserved for that particular happenstance: {{spoiler|"Fry!"}} (Although some {{spoiler|fatal}} mistakes [[Death Is Not Permanent|still allow you to finish the game]] with a reduced score, this particular one will make it impossible.) The narrator of the adventure will throw in [[Too Dumb to Live|his two cents]] as well: {{spoiler|"Serves you right, too, if you ask me."}}
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* In the [[Backstory]] to ''[[Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura]]'', Trellian, known as The First Assassin, severs an alliance between the assassins' guild he leads, The Molochean Hand, and the Derian-Ka, a cult of necromancers, when he learns of the atrocities committed by the cult's founder, [[Omnicidal Maniac|Kerghan]], and leads the Hand in a war to purge the Derian-Ka from existence. {{spoiler|In the present day, The Hand's current leader, Gideon Laiar, will do the same to the Dark Elves of T'Sen Ang if you tell him they want to bring back their leader-in-exile, Arronax the Destroyer.}}
** Vollinger, {{spoiler|a Hand assassin who you can recruit as a follower,}} supposedly gets sickened if you take him to a vivisection laboratory/factory farm which {{spoiler|the gnomes of Tarant used to [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil|force-breed]] [[Half-Human Hybrid|Half-Ogres]].}}
* Caim, the [[Heroic Sociopath]] of ''[[Drakengard]]'' gleefully kills everyone in his way, including [[Child Soldier|Child Soldiers]]s and loves to kick decidedly harmless people around for the hell of it. However, when the revelation of his sister Furiae's [[Brother-Sister Incest|incestuous love]] for him, even he seems disgusted.
* In ''[[Kane and Lynch]]: Dead Men'', you are told by Shelly, a convicted killer on death row, that Lynch killed his wife. At this point Kane, another convicted killer who has killed armies of cops at this point, gets pissed at Lynch.
** He also acts in pretty much the same way when Lynch goes off his meds and begins killing hostages, although this is partly because it screwed up the bank robbery.
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** In ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty]]'', Vamp and Fortune did not like the fact that Fatman was trying to blow up the entire Big Shell after the first attempt failed, as well as the fact that he sold out his loyalty to Commander Jackson.
** Olga Gurlukovich does not like it when she is forced to betray her comrades of the Gurlukovich Mercenary Group, especially when she values them as not only comrades, but also her family.
** Ocelot had no qualms with helping Colonel Volgin in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'', but even he balked at the man firing nuclear warheads at his own countrymen [[For the Evulz|for shits and giggles]]. On top of that, when Naked Snake fights Volgin one-on-one & starts to get the better of him, Volgin calls out to the onlooking Ocelot & orders him to help him; only for Ocelot to tell him to act like a man & do it himself.
*** The exact extent about whether he had absolutely no qualms about serving Volgin is debatable, however, as Ocelot implies a few times that he really doesn't like serving Volgin but has to put up with him anyway, especially after the above incident.
** Although not outright stated, it is implied in ''[[Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker]]'' that the CIA was apparently not too happy with Coldman, a former CIA Director, for the events of the Virtuous Mission and Operation Snake Eater and had him [[Kicked Upstairs]] to the CIA Station Chief of Central America as an excuse to have him [[The Exile|exiled]]. Of course, it also works under [[Pragmatic Villainy]], since, as he knows the true purpose of Operation Snake Eater and the Virtuous Mission too well ([[Moral Event Horizon|since he was the one who planned them]]), and he wasn't willing to keep quiet about it, exiling him was the only other option to keep the cover story solid.
* ''[[Banjo-Kazooie]]'': [[No Fair Cheating|"Now I will erase your Game Pak, because you had the need to hack!"]]
* In one of ''[[School Days]]'''s paths, Makoto the [[Casanova]] [[Jerkass]] who plays with the bodies and hearts of all the girls in his [[Harem]]... decides to protect one of them, [[The Ojou]] Kotonoha, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQPhTCKdjlA when he finds out that other girls are bullying her]. Doubles as [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]], considering that Kotonoha's bullies are borderline [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s, or ''at least'' among the few who can compare with Makoto in [[Jerkass|Jerkassery]]ery.
** Also, Makoto is ''pissed'' in the sort-of sequel ''Cross Days'' when he finds out {{spoiler|that a bunch of guys (including his [[Bromantic Foil]]) gangraped his [[Gay Option]], Yuuki Ashikaga.}} He's actually so angry that he tries to ''physically attack'' the culprits. {{spoiler|It fails, though.}}
* In ''[[Fire Emblem Jugdral]]'', the Loptuous Sect conducts a really horrifying project known as {{spoiler|the [http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Child_Hunt "child hunts"], in which children and pre-teens from the whole continent are either sacrificed to the God Loptous or forced to [[Duel to the Death|fight each other to death]], with the few survivors becoming noblemen that in reality are few more than puppets of the the Sect.}} Several of the minor and major villains in the game are VERY repulsed by such crap, and two of them ( {{spoiler|Emperor Alvis and his sorta daughter-in-law Princess Ishtar}}) are even willing to secretly aid the heroes if it'll put a stop to them. And you know an opponent is specially [[Complete Monster|terrible]] if they openly support such a plan (like {{spoiler|Alvis's son/Ishtar's boyfriend Prince Yurius [[Soul Jar|aka the vessel of Loptous itself]], or Ishtar's [[Evil Matriarch]] mom Hilda}}).
** Aso, in the first Jugdral game, Duke Langobalt is a [[Smug Snake]] willing to participate in the complot that ended with {{spoiler|the death of Prince Kurth and Sigurd's dad Vylon}}, but when he learns that his co-conspirator Andorey killed his own dad for the inheritance of Jungby, he expresses deep disgust about it.
{{quote|'''Langobalt''': That contemptuous little brat. He shows absolutely no remorse for killing his own father. Lord Ring... may you rest in peace.}}
** Every ''[[Fire Emblem]]'', really, has at least one scene where one of the villains - and not a sympathetic one! - comments on how even more evil one of his comrades is, and how that's terrible. Caellach and Riev view [[Complete Monster|Valter]] in [[Fire Emblem: theThe Sacred Stones]], due to the way he is [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil|implied to victimize women]]. Keep in mind that Caellach is a [[Sociopathic Soldier|sociopathic]] [[Career Killer]] who {{spoiler|killed Queen Ismaire}} and Riev is a [[Corrupt Church|fallen priest who worships evil]].
{{quote|'''Caellach''' (to [[Love Hurts|Carlyle]]): I'm not like that freak Valter. I'm kind to women.<br />
And later...|'''Riev''': Ah, Valter... You're a beast. You're bound to no country. You care nothing for friend or foe. Kill a man, claim a woman... You live for nothing more, you wretched beast.}}
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** Branding a child a heretic might actually be practical if it worked (if you wanted them to be a future general who isn't respected enough to be able to lead a coup, or were simply worried that the child in question has such a good leadership skill that he/she might run for your job someday), but the other possiblities for using the harmful edicts on children, animals, and tourists would mostly be sadistic.
*** That's not to say that the way you use those edicts on adult citizens can't be sadistic if you're willing to risk sparking rebellions...
* Now, of course, in majority of ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'', both God and Lucifer are evil (or amoral) but as noted in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmqbhyS-BK8 this boss battle theme] even the demons you're fighting hate [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|humanity for killing]] [[Jesus Taboo|Jesus]].
* In ''[[Dawn of War]] II: Chaos Rising'', there is a traitor in your ranks who grants your vox channel's access codes to Apothecary Galen, who is [[Demonic Possession|possessed by a daemon]] and working with Azariah Kyras, who has more willingly betrayed the chapter in favor of the ruinous powers. As he is doing so, however, he explicitly warns Galen not to use the vox to set up an ambush, lest their deal be undone.
* In ''[[Nethack]]'', any god (even the chaotic ones, who reward you for ''sacrificing members of your own race'') will get angry with you for [[Eat the Dog|eating the corpse of a dog or cat.]]
* In ''[[Inazuma Eleven]] GO'', {{spoiler|Tsurugi Kyousuke}} gets outright ''pissed off'' at the attempts to deliberately break Tenma's leg and make it look like an accident, to the point where he starts defying Fifth Sector's orders out of spite and eventually does a full [[Heel Face Turn]].
* In ''[[Skyrim]]'', the Thieves' Guild has a lot of rules and standards for a group of thieves. {{spoiler|Guild leader Mercer Frey mocks the idea that the Guild is anything more than a band of thugs out for themselves and is perfectly willing to take all of the Guild's fortune (in the monetary and lucky sense) for himself. During your final confrontation you can actually agree with him -- then kill him because he has a couple of huge expensive gems that you want for yourself.}}
* One of the unlockable Abstergo files in ''[[Assassin's Creed Revelations|Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'' has the writer describing the reign of the Borgias (Rodrigo and Cesare) atop the Order of the Knights Templar as a "Dark Age," where they sought power and control for their own sake instead of [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|advancing the ideals of peace and enlightenment of humanity]] [[Necessarily Evil|whatever the cost]], and in fact seeking to keep people cowed and ignorant. Then again, considering the actual behavior of the 21st-century Templars and how thoroughly the Borgias were eventually thwarted, this renunciation may be as much "internal PR" as a sincere distaste for the Borgias' corruption of the Order from the top.
* In ''[[Saints Row: The Third|Saints Row the Third]]'', the Boss is fine with murder, theft, human trafficking, insurance fraud, and wanton destruction. Hypercommercialisation, on the other hand, is something the Boss starts having doubts about. This may or may not stick depending on the ending chosen.
* In ''[[Shin Megami Tensei II]]'', [[God Is Evil|YHVH]] calls down apocalyptic scenarios, one after another, on a Humanity that's already living in a miserable [[Crapsack World]] ravaged by nuclear destruction. When it's revealed his ultimate plans are essentially [[Despotism Justifies the Means|ruling over all that exists at the cost of any kind of freedom]], no matter how many have to die to make his vision a reality, the [[Archangel Gabriel]] and [[Satan]] himself get desperate and angry enough to seriously consider joining [[The Chosen One]] to finally put an end to the tyranny. Satan, in particular, in his role as God's Judge, proves he's not just YHVH's personal killing machine, fulfilling both sides of his title and rising along with [[The Hero]] to judge Him for His actions.
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* [[MadWorld]] is a game filled with terrible people and killers, all which sponsor Agent XIII is just dandy with, enjoying the terror and spectacle. Well, except for when he finds out why the current Deathwatch games are being held. {{spoiler|Turns out that Leo's dad started the games because his company was going under and he created a need for a cure for an illness used in the game. With the world aware of the horror of the illness, he could jack up the price of the cure and make a lot of money}}. However, {{spoiler|Leo himself didn't actually care, he just wanted to watch the chaos}}. This made Agent XIII mad since {{spoiler|the games usually decide the fate of the known world, shifting around major powers without the need of war. A pointless genocide for the sake of something as small as profits was disgusting to him, disrespectful to the reason the game was made}}. As a result, he later {{spoiler|decides to give Jack information}}.
* In the ''[[X (video game)|X-Universe]]'', the [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|Paranid]] [[The Empire|Empire]] is a xenophobic totalitarian theocracy. But in ''X3: Albion Prelude'' they're so disgusted by the [[Humans by Any Other Name|Argon]] [[The Federation|Federation's]] destruction of the [[Big Dumb Object|Earth Torus]] and subsequent invasion of Sol with [[Robot War|artificially intelligent warships]] that they side with the Terrans.
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick|Gnarl]] from ''[[Overlord (2007 video game)|Overlord]]'' almost quotes this word for word when you're travelling through a dense and murky area to retrieve some Green Minions, who are known for poor hygiene anyway.
* [[Big Bad|Neo Cortex]] utterly ''despises'' [[Evil Brit|N.]] [[Jerkass|Tropy]] in ''[[Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time]]'', especially after being unfortunate enough to be watching as {{spoiler|N. Tropy and Female N. Tropy [[Screw Yourself|shamelessly flirt with each other]] during [[Signature Scene|the infamous opening cutscene of "Out For Launch"]]}}.
* Two examples in ''[[Octopath Traveler]]'':
** Mattias, the main antagonist in Ophilia's story gets his dark power from the [[Evil God|Dark God]], Galdera, and seeks to loosen his bonds to draw even more power. However he doesn't want Galdera fully released as that would mean the [[Apocalypse How|end of the world.]]
** Werner, the main antagonist of Olberic's story was granted financial power from Lylblac {{Spoiler|the Daughter of the Dark God}} to bring Hornburg down. He then used the wealth he accumulated to become the tyrannical ruler of Riverford. However, he described her as a purely evil witch that sought to bring [[Omnicidal Maniac|ruin to all humanity]] and cut all ties with her to avoid her corruption.
* ''[[Doki Doki Literature Club!]]'': Even Monika was surprised by Yuri telling Natsuki to kill herself in Act 2...and she's the one who made her that way!