Everyone Is Bi: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[My Immortal]]'', though only the guys show it--for the girls, it's just an [[Informed Attribute]]. Ebony herself flip-flops between [[Bi the Way]] and [[Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?]] for no adequately explored reason.
* Absolutely everybody in ''[[Kim Possible]]'' fanfic, [[Depending on the Writer]].
<!-- %%* DependingOnTheWriter, '''''everyone''''' in fanfiction. ALL OF THEM. -->
* In C'hou in ''[[With Strings Attached]]'' there are no sexual taboos amongst the C'hovites; hence, [[Everyone Is Bi]]. For example, when Ma'ar asks George to sex with her, she tells him to invite the others in and they'll all enjoy one another. (Given that the four are firmly heterosexual, George agrees to sex but asks to leave the others out of it.) Grynun says that inside the castle walls, the four can have sex with each other but with none of the Idris until she has them first. And As'taris ogles the naked Paul and comments to Grunnel that if he'd known what he was missing, he wouldn't have treated Paul so indifferently.
** This doesn't apply on the Hunter's world; he talks of the “shameful female-men.”
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