• The Funny Moment is probably, from "Rainbow Tour":

Eva: Did you hear that? They called me a whore! They actually called me a whore!
Admiral: But, signora Peron, it's an easy mistake- I'm still called an admiral- yet I gave up the sea long ago!

  • Rainbow Tour actually has several subjectively funny moments.
    • "More bad news from Rome, she met with the Pope...she only got a rosary, a kindly word! I wouldn't say the holy father gave her the bird...but Papal decorations, never a hope!
    • "Italy's unconvinced by Argentine glory/They equate Peron with Mussolini - can't think why!"
    • "Tired? Eva? Tired?"
  • "Good Night and Thank You" has a few:

Eva: Oh, but it's sad when a love affair dies/The parting, the closing of doors/But we both should just stop fooling ourselves..."
Che: ...which means "Up yours"!

Eva: Oh, but it's sad when a love affair dies/But when we were hot, we were hot!/You'll always remember the good times we had...
Che: ...but Eva will not!

Eva: Oh, but it's sad when a love affair dies/The decline into silence and doubt/Our passion was just too intense to survive..."
Che: ...oh, for God's sake, get out!