Extra Turn: Difference between revisions

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(DOS Hero RPG)
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* In the first ''[[Mario Party]]'' game, landing on a mushroom space will give you either a "Super Mushroom" (Extra Turn) or a "Poison Mushroom" (lose next turn).
* ''[[Baldur's Gate]]'' has time stop, one of the most useful of any spell. It allowed you to attack and cast spells while using it, although area of effect spells wouldn't go off until the effect ended. Which meant they'd all happen simultaneously, giving no chance for automatic defenses to activate. The only drawback was that against a few exceptionally powerful enemies, Time Stop froze time for everyone but the caster...and that enemy.
* In a DOS "Hero" RPG, both the player character and non-player characters can have extra turns (the number of turns taken being that character's speed). First the player character takes all of their turns, and then the next character takes all of their turns, etc; fast characters do not interleave turns. Walking off of the edge of the screen to enter the next screen does not take up a turn, and NPCs on screens that you are not on do not take any turns, which makes this capability powerful; you can defeat someone with one million hit points without getting hit.