Revision as of 09:43, 23 March 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (trope=>work)

FATAL: "From Another Time Another Land" (formerly known as "Fantasy Adventure To Adult Lechery") is a Tabletop Game Role Playing Game by Byron Hall, published by his company Fatal Games in 2004. It's since become a major example of Snark Bait, due in no small part to its content and rules, which feature:

  • Extremely complicated and math-intensive mechanics and charts governing character stats, in-game actions, gaining experience and leveling, and combat. These can lead to questionable, if not outright self-contradictory, results.
  • Many game mechanics relating to body parts and orifices which are better left un-elaborated.
  • Themes of rape-fantasy, racism, GLBT hatred and misogyny; lots of Toilet Humor; and generalized perversity. Even the cover art for the rulebook is NSFW. The original name is another blatant hint at its content.
  • Gratuitous spelling and grammar errors.

The game is best known because of a savage MST-styled review of the rulebook by Darren MacLennan and Jason Sartin on RPGnet. This led to a rebuttal by the creator and one of his contributors.

Not to be outdone, some brave Tropers began a liveblog on the forums. The results are here. (Text not safe for work or sanity)

We're not linking the rulebook due to its content; it can readily be found if you really want to go looking. The game even has an official theme song.