"The most remarkable characteristic of the Facebook people is that they've built a system without any room for negativity. An individual either "likes" something or moves on, either "joins" a group or "ignores" the invitation. There is no dissent, only silence. The one outlet they have to express indignation or hatred is through the comments, but even that resource is limited to the confusion of their stunted vocabulary and grammar."
Soren Bowie, If Columbus Had Explored the Internet (Cracked.com)
"Blame Facebook for creating a massive reality-distortion field; for allowing its more than 200 million active North American users to dwell in a fever swamp of misinformation and ridiculous falsehood; for poisoning the minds of millions of old people more effectively and permanently than any medium since cable news; and for enabling and legitimizing Peter Thiel,[1] an idiot ideologue with more money than God who is now clearly one of the most dangerous men alive."
Alex Pareene, Fuck Everything And Blame Everyone (The Concourse, published after the 2016 US Elections)
  1. An entrepreneur and venture capitalist who bankrolled Hulk Hogan's lawsuit against Gawker Media, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as a result of the trial. (The Concourse is part of Deadspin, which is part of Gawker Media.)