Fallout: New Vegas/Headscratchers/Archive 2: Difference between revisions

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**** Mr. House stated that the NCR will try to annex New Vegas after the Legion is gone, but they are only going to be able to do this if they still have a military presents in the area. And if you follow the Yes Man or Mr. House ending, their entire military will withdrawn from the region. For the foreseeable future, the most that they can do is to send you a [[Strongly Worded Letter]] though their ambassador or order economic sanction against New Vegas and forbid their traders from doing business with Mr. House/you. Unlike the Legion, the NCR does have a home front and their government will have to care about the civilian population's war weariness or they will either be voted out of office or even face a revolution. Simply put, the NCR does have the ability to steamroll over New Vegas and take Hoover Dam if they want to, but their system of government will ensure that unless they face a military coup and the NCR is transformed into a dictatorship, it will not happened in the near future.
**** Also, NCR's expansionism seems to have originated during Tandi's presidency back in Fallout2 when they were working toward uniting all of California under their banner. Even back then, there were voices in the government such as Roger Westin who opposed the expansionist policies. And if you 'helped' Vault City or Vault 15 remain independent, the ending will show that the NCR will imminently stop their expansion and Tandi getting removed from office, meaning that just a single settlement that refuse to be annexed is enough for the NCR to backdown. And remember that this was back when Tandi was president (who was so popular and ran the NCR so effectively that even Caesar respects her). Can you imagine the effect that something like this will have on Kimball? Anyone who succeed him will be crazy if they plan to start another expansionist campaign at lease within the next 50 years.
** Pay attention to the lines you say to Oliver, as well. The lines you actually say to kill Oliver and his bodyguards is "Securitrons - erase the NCR from the dam" - the NCR, not just Oliver, but all the NCR there at the Dam. We just don't get to see that. Remember that Hoover Dam is the largest concentration of NCR troops in the Mojave, even the elite rangers are there for the battle. Consider then the NCR is probably not expecting a Benedict Arnold like this, will probably get slaughtered, regardless of whether or not you blew up the Fort. And if you did power up the Army at the Fort, the ensuing Curbstomp will ensure that the NCR won't have the power to try and take over New Vegas by military force. And lastly, it's also possible there's a giant robot there with the rest of the Securitron army that requires a huge jolt of electricity to get started... Afterall, RobCo and [https://web.archive.org/web/20190915151717/http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101101202360/fallout/images/thumb/b/bc/House.jpg/391px-House.jpg Mister House did build Liberty Prime], and I don't know about you, but I don't see Mr. House not having prototypes of his work where he can improve them over and over again.
*** You know, the Brotherhood, who're much larger than the Couriers army, thought they had damaged the NCR army enough that they didn't have anymore troops, and look at what happened to them. Also, wow... that's a little bit of [[Fridge Horror]] isn't it then? Ordering the slaughter of all those nice people who just helped you? Talk about [[Ungrateful Bastard]]...
**** Yeah, it not only falls squarely into [[What the Hell, Hero?]] territory, but it also widens the rift between the NCR and New Vegas as its basically a declaration of War. This is also part of why Mr. House didn't want President Kimball to die from a Legion assassin, Kimball and Oliver were going to be set up as the scapegoats for House's plan with the NCR. With Oliver dead, that's one less scapegoat to pin the blame on, and more of the NCR's hate will be on New Vegas. As for the armies, eliminating the NCR from New Vegas is only temporary, it does delay any further hostility between the NCR and New Vegas as the NCR council will spend some time pinning blame for the "Massacre in the Mojave."
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** As I recall, ghouls tend to avoid danger because they don't age and will live forever so long as they play it safe. Super Mutants also don't age, and the intelligent ones would likely have a similar mentality. As of this game both the NCR and the Legion have large, secure inner regions that would give a lot of new opportunities to someone looking to avoid danger. Maybe ghouls and super mutants have been leaving the military en masse to become farmers, scientists, etc.
* According to [http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Feral_ghoul_(Fallout:_New_Vegas) The Fallout Wiki] there was a hostile [[NPC]] called a "Legion Creature" in the game files which acted like a Feral Ghoul (although it looked like just another legionnaire), perhaps this means the Legion were going to be more than just baseline humans before the idea was [[Dummied Out]]
* Also, this troper just encountered a ghoul NCR ranger on the [[PlayStationPlay Station 3]] version, so NCR employs them to some extent, evidently.
** Same for this Xbox player, in fact he was the frist Vet Ranger I saw, so odds are by the time between Fallout 2 and New Vegas all Ghouls in the NRC are Rangers now.
** This troper's seen at least one "normal" Ghoul ranger, as well as several Ghoul "Veteran Rangers." The fact that Ghouls are only Rangers, rather than normal NCR grunts, could be explained in several ways: 1)Ghouls, being virtually immortal, would naturally have a lot more time to hone their military skills than normal humans, and thus more likely (per person) to be [[Badass]] enough for the Rangers than an average human grunt, 2)since Ghouls don't seem to suffer (at least as badly) from radiation, they'd prove useful in investigating hazardous areas where normal humans would suffer and 3)while they might not face legal discrimination, Ghouls could still face societal prejudice in many of the societies the NCR has annexed, so a commander would think it better to put Ghoul soldiers on recon and/or the frontlines rather than in garrison, where their presence could cause unrest among the local populace. The out-of-game reason why there are not Super Mutant NCR troopers is because the game designers couldn't/wouldn't take the time creating separate uniforms and armor for NCR Super Mutants, and in-universe it would take a lot of trouble to adjust all the different NCR bases and outposts to accommodate troops of such size...
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Step 4: All hail, Caesar. }}
**** What is the conversion rate between an imperial shitload and a metric shitload?
***** [[Blatant Lies|It's 3.272 Imperial to one metric]] <ref>[[CompletelyComically Missing the Point|(the former measured by the annual waste output of King Henry II, the latter measured by the annual paper output of the National Convention of the French First Republic)]] </ref>.
*** Ulysses' plan:
{{quote|Step 1: Blow up NCR supply lines before Legion charges Dam.
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== Where did the Tunnelers come from? ==
* What exactly ''are'' the Tunnelers? Is it ever explained? At first I just assumed it was humans mutated by radiation, like everything else in the Fallout Universe, but radiation is explicitly described to make you sterile even in Fallout, and the Tunnelers are described as explosive breeders. Plus, how does radiation somehow make you stronger, faster, and make you look like a lizard?
** There are two possibilities found within Lonesome Road: The insinuation made during the conversation with Ulysses is that they are mutated pre-war humans who hid underground during the great war, and mutated to the point of becoming lizards on their own. Other possibility is that they are experiments gone wrong again. Several notes in the "Nostalgia" challenge refer to a pre-war incident of [https://web.archive.org/web/20150921011713/http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Sunflower_Summers%27_Diary27_diary Protesters in the vein of 60s hippies] being "rounded up" by the Chief Liaison officer with Big MT with something [[It Got Worse|"special"]] planned for them. It may very well be a combination of both, however.
** All the wasteland humans are partially irradiated and still capable of breeding. The super mutant sterility comes from the FEV. Ghouls actually are irradiated to the point they should be sterile. Radiation caused the Jackson's chameleon to change into Deathclaws, so humans changing into tunnelers is not particularly less plausible than that.
*** Aren't the Deathclaws stated to be the result of FEV?
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== Why don't the Marked Men just commit suicide? ==
So, we all know that they are insane cannibals. they feel nothing but hate for the Divide and all that enter. Close to feral ghouls but not quite, they capable of making decisions. For instance, some of the former Legion members model their armor and weapons of Legate Lanius, as a symbol they can hold on to. They can jury-rig scrap metal, road signs and other armor pieces on to their own. Lastly during the epilogue, the Marked Men are among those who avoid the courier either out of respect or fear. They are in constant great pain, only kept alive by the constant radiation, plus their is now no point to their existence beyond killing all those who enter the Divide. So, why don't they just kill themselves?
* Constant great pain can drive the human mind into insanity, where the rational thought leaves the mind, but the capacity for intelligence remains. It's very likely some of the survivors had killed themselves in order to avoid such a fate. We've seen similar incidences in other genres, such as zombie horror ("I'd rather die than become one of those things"). [[Firefly (TV series)|Reavers]] display similar characteristics as the Marked Men, driven on impulse by rage, in spite of still retaining some communication ability and tool-using capacity.
** Suicide isn't as easy as you think it is, regardless of the circumstances.
** The ones willing to commit suicide already have.
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