Fallout 4/Characters/Factions: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ace Custom]]:
** They employ various custom robots. Of particular note is A.H.A.B., a Sentry Bot equipped with flamethrowers and having a Deathclaw skull for a head.
** Their leader Ivey wears a unique set of Tesla T-60 Power Armor (which is different from regular [[Power Armor]] with Tesla mods).
* [[Armor Is Useless]]: Averted with their unique Robot Armor. It's superior to Metal Armor in protection and is almost equal to the lighter Synth Armor (ballistic protection is better, but energy protection is slightly worse).
* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: They would ''normally'' be a pretty serious antagonist, but are quickly crushed by Ada and the Sole Survivor. They're also small potatoes to forces like the [[Badass Army|Brotherhood of Steel]] and the [[Mad Scientist|Institute]].
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* [[The Heretic|Renegade Splinter Faction]]: They're basically Raiders with a certain penchant for robots. As noted above, they fight anyone who isn't them - including the other Commonwealth Raider gangs. The easiest location to see this in action is at the General Atomics Factory.
* [[Scavenger World]]: Like the other Raider gangs, they clearly evoke this imagery.
* [[Shout Out]]: It's possible that they're named after the tribe of the same name from the popular apocalyptic fiction festival "Wasteland Weekend.".
* [[Skeletons in the Coat Closet]]: They frequently decorate [[Obviously Evil|their custom robots with skulls]].
* [[Wacky Wayside Tribe]]: Aside from a (relatively) small part of ''Automatron'', they serve no real importance in the overall story.
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=== The Mechanist's Army and Robobrain Generals ===
[[File:Fallout-4-mechanist-automatron-robots-DLC-700x350.jpg|thumb|'''The Ruthless Forgers Of Tomorrow''']]
<blockquote>"We will restore justice and bring about the dawn of a new age!" - The Mechanist's Eyebots</blockquote>The main antagonists of the ''Automatron'' DLC, although they're mostly active in the first and last thirds of the story (respectively, before ''and'' after the Rust Devils are taken care of). This consists of both the various hordes of mechanized monsters released upon the Commonwealth by the Mechanist, and the "Robobrains", advanced Pre-War robots with [[Wetware CPU|human and animal brains serving as their CPUs]] that are the commanders of specific squads of the robots. Oddly, while they go around killing anything in their path, they're also followed by Eyebots talking about how the robots shouldn't be feared and how they will bring about a new era of peace and safety in the Commonwealth.
* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]:
* [[Badass Army]]: They're surprisingly tough in a fight, ''especially'' at a lower level.
* [[Badass Automaton]]: What they all are.
* [[Black Comedy]]:
* [[Brain In a Jar]]:
* [[Body Horror]]:
* [[Call Back]]: The "commanders" of the Mechanist's armies are the Robobrains from previous games.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: The history given of the Robobrains ({{spoiler|special robots that use the forcibly-extracted brains of criminals}}) closely mirrors the history given out by ''Fallout 1'' lead designer Chris Taylor in a really old interview, plus the info given in J.E. Sawyer's tabletop RPG.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: Alas, the Robobrains are actually ''intelligent'' when fighting against the Sole Survivor and Ada.
* [[Decapitated Army]]: Zig-Zagged.
* [[Exact Words]]:
* [[Expy]]: The Robobrains have been reworked into being loose Expies of the Daleks from [[Doctor Who|Doctor Who]].
** To be more specific, the Robobrains are (like the Daleks) robots with organic brains {{spoiler|taken from murderous psychopaths}} as their central processor with a single, cold, calculating eye mounted up front. They also move around on a tracked chassis and can't help, but look like giant salt shakers. They interpret all orders given to them as a license to kill both anyone and any''thing''. Finally, their voices are electronically synthesized. A pity the Robobrains don't ''also'' scream "EXTERMINATE!" .
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]:
* [[Foil]]: The Robobrains are this to the Synths. Both are a synthesis of biology and machinery, and are used as soldiers by their creators. Both also engage in independent thinking in ways that their inventors never intended. However, Robobrains were implanted with human brains so as to just enhance their mechanical functions, while Synths were designed to resemble humans because the Institute wanted them to be even more efficient than humanity itself. Robobrains are also obviously robots, while the newer generations of Synths are virtually identical to humanity.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The Mechanist's armies are following their directives and orders a bit ''too'' well, and too literally to boot.
* [[Grew Beyond Their Programming]]: The Robobrains most certainly have - and '''not''' in good directions.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]:
* [[Jerkass]]:
* [[Just a Machine]]: The majority of the forces count as this. Averted with the Robobrains, who serve as commanders and thusly have more self-awareness in order to properly come up with strategies for battle.
* [[Mercy Kill]]:
* [[Mix-and-Match Critters]]:
* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]:
* [[Mythology Gag]]:
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]:
* [[Shout Out]]: As seen in the various experiment logs, the vast majority of subjects reacted to {{spoiler|being forced into a robotic body}} by [[Driven to Suicide|committing suicide]]. Additionally, only the [[Humans Are Bastards|most depraved examples of humanity]] were able to {{spoiler|withstand the implantation process}}, and even then became murderous {{spoiler|without routine control measures}}. All of the above is a [[Homage]] to ''[[RoboCop|RoboCop 2]]''.
* [[Small Role, Big Impact]]:
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: The Robobrains have done this by ''far'' in comparison to the versions of them seen in previous games.
* [[The Unintelligible]]: