False Dichotomy: Difference between revisions

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** Or the fourth option that the question at hand is irrelevant to the overall success or failure of America's defense.
* The "Battle of Wits" from ''[[The Princess Bride (film)|The Princess Bride]]'' presents this. Either Vizzini's cup is the poisoned one, or the Man in Black's is. Vizzini goes through dozens of justifications and possibilities for why one would poison either one, trying to stall for time. Either way, he never considers that {{spoiler|they're both poisoned}}.
* ''[[Star Wars]]'', ''[[Revenge of the Sith]]'': Two for one, one called out, the other unintentional (it gets mocked more for [[Hypocritical Humor]], anyway).
{{quote|'''Anakin''': “If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy!”
'''Obi-Wan''': “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.” }}
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== [[Literature]] ==
* A [[Sherlock Holmes]] [[Outlived Its Creator|sequel-by-other-hands]] has Holmes called upon to judge which of two violins is the one Davy Crockett played at the Alamo. He quickly identifies one as a fake, but realises {{spoiler|that he was intended to; the owner wanted him to declare ''a'' violin as genuine, and so was presenting him with the false dichotomy of "which one's the fake?" They both are.}}
* ''[[Twilight|Bella]]'': Bella believes she must either be with Edward or with Jacob. She also believes she must either become a vampire or grow ooold. Later, she believes that {{spoiler|she must either wait until her belly is full-sized to deliver, or abort it, because no life-threatening pregnancy was ever solved by putting the babies on life-support to save the life of the mother}}.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* Occurs''[[Dilbert]]'' has a guy fond of those in [http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2001-11-05/ this] ''[[Dilbert]]'' comic.
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* The [[Xkcd]] comic strip [http://xkcd.com/871/ "Charity"].
** [http://xkcd.com/322/ "Pix plz"] was [http://chainsawsuit.com/2008/05/09/strip-363/ parodied by Chainsawsuit]. Note how the jerk distills Black Hat down to "[[Ad Hominem|Stalking girls]]" or "[[White Knighting]]". So if anyone calls someone online out on their misogyny, they're only doing it to get into girls' pants and/or out of some need to defend their honor. The actual ''content'' of the criticism is to be brushed aside in favor of [[Ad Hominem|allegations about the critic]]. To be fair to Straub, this is inherent in ''any'' accusation of "white knighting".
* ''Rock, Paper, Cynic'' once [http://rockpapercynic.com/index.php?date=2012-11-26 demonstrated] that while "[[Zhuangzi|Zhuang Zhou, Butterfly Philosopher]]" had a point, he failed to consider other alternatives (including "both").
* ''[[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]]'' demonstrates an applied variety. [http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2011-01-05 That's what happens if you gamble on "there are only two variants"]. <ref>[[Don't Explain the Joke|explanation]]: A gene with two alleles is the simplified model you can read in a schoolbook. In reality, it's not necessarily so - for example, the gene defining blood type has 3 common alleles (A,B,O).</ref>
== [[Web Original]] ==