Fan Community Nicknames: Difference between revisions

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* Smogonites (''[[Smogon]]'')
** Smogonites often deride members of another ''[[Pokémon]]'' fansite, (its owner is infamous for trying to start fights between his site and other ''Pokémon'' communities, and pretty much everyone else), as "'Biitards".
* And fans of the [[Image Board]] [[4chan]] have names depending on which of the boards they prefer to post. To name a handful -
** /a/ is for /a/ssholes OR wee/a/boos.
** /b/ is for /b/tards, /b/astards, /b/rothers, /b/rethren, /b/edophiles, /b/ronies (if they happen to be fans of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]) and others. They stick, and depends on the situation.
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** /toy/ is for /toy/ soldiers
** /adv/ is for /adv/isors and s/adv/irgins
** /pol/ is for /pol/lacks
* Users on [[Image Boards|4chan]]'s /b/ are collectively Anonymous, and individually "fags."
** 4chan has a variation on the "____fag" theme for almost everybody; some ("moralfags", "tripfags") are meant to be insults, but others ("drawfags") usually aren't. It gets confusing.
* Posters on the sabermetric baseball site [ Baseball Primer] refer to themselves as "[ Primates]".
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* Fans of [[Regretsy]] are affectionately referred to as "Fat Jealous Losers", something they are often called by detractors of the site. "[[CF 4 L]]" (Club Fuckery 4 Life) is also used.
* Readers of [ Yo, Is This Racist?] are called "racecars". Readers of the dating advice-related [[Spin-Off]] [ Yo, Should I Dump This Asshole?] are therefore called "dumptrucks".
* [[Tumblr]] users are usually called "tumblirites", often derisively.
== [[Western Animation]] ==