Fan Service Pack/Playing With

Basic Trope: A (usually female) character gets more attractive over the run of a show.

  • Straight: When the show started out, Alice was a demure, if not unattractive, lady. Later into the show's run, she started dressing less conservatively and showing more skin.
  • Exaggerated: When the show started, Alice was not that attractive-looking and never wore anything more revealing than a parka. Later on, she's absolutely gorgeous and wears a bikini and daisy dukes as her default outfit.
  • Justified:
    • Either the actress playing Alice grew more attractive, or the writers decided to take her character in a new direction.
    • An in-show justification is usually that Alice decided to become more assertive.
  • Inverted: Alice starts out flaunting her body at every available opportunity. Later on, she starts dressing more conservatively.
  • Subverted: Alice spends a couple of episodes wearing more revealing clothing, but starts to find it uncomfortable and goes back to her old fashion choices.
  • Double Subverted: ...until Bob points out how attractive he found her when she showed some skin.
  • Parodied: Alice dresses as conservatively as humanly possible. When asked to show some skin, she takes off one layer of clothing.
  • Deconstructed: Alice's increasingly liberal dress is an indicator of how unhappy she really is. She's not happy having to wear skimpy clothing to get the guys' attention.
  • Reconstructed: However, she starts to realize that she enjoyed showing skin, so she ends up enjoying it.
  • Zig Zagged: How much skin Alice is showing is dependent on the episode.
  • Averted: Alice more or less remains the same in terms of fashion sense and attractiveness throughout the entire run of the series.
  • Enforced: "Seems we've got a lot of Alice fanboys watching our show. Let's give 'em what they want."
  • Lampshaded: "Is it just me, or is Alice showing a lot more skin lately?"
  • Invoked: The writers realize that Alice has a lot of male fans who find the actress attractive...
  • Defied: The writers refuse to sex up Alice because they have other plans for the character.
  • Discussed: "Whoa, I remember the last time we went to the beach, Alice wore a one-piece and was afraid to get in the water. Now she's wearing a bikini, if you could call it that..."
  • Conversed: "That show has gone downhill, but at least Alice is showing some skin..."

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