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Also [[Rule 34|for obvious reasons]] this leads to a lot of [[Power Perversion Potential]] and [[Fetish Fuel]] when said characters show up in fanfic. If a character does not possess any known Fantastic Arousal, [[Fanon|the fans may create one.]]
[[I Thought It Meant|Not to be confused with a character having a strange sexual fetish]]. For example, Milly May Hopkins of [[Gunsmith Cats]] and Nice Holystone of ''[[Baccano!]]'' both have ekrixiphilia, a fetish for explosions and/or gunpowder (which means setting off grenades and shooting guns sexually arouse them), but they are not examples of [[Fantastic Arousal]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In one episode of ''[[Ghost in the Shell]]: [[Stand Alone Complex]]'', the team infiltrates a party of wealthy and powerful men who show off their sex-driods. The host goes even further and loves to have sex with full-body cyborgs. While their brains are disconnected from the robotic body and are pretty much in sleep mode. The Major convinces him to plug his implants into her body while he does, but then just knocks him out and lets him experience a virtual simulation of it while she sneaks through his offices.
* ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'':
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* ''[[Dragon Crisis]]'':
** [[Our Werewolves Are Different|Ai]]'s ears and tail are ''very'' sensitive to touch.
** The spot on Rose's back where her wings come out seems quite sensitive, when Ryuji touches her there she blushes and starts trembling. Then there are the scales on the back on Rose's hand.
* ''[[Dog Days]]'' has a basic rewarding treatment for dog-warrior race, patting on his/her head. It's shown through a [[Tsundere]] Eclair as she blushes when her princess pat her, but goes mad when the [[Idiot Hero]] does it.
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** No need for him to be jealous of ''her'' educators, as "her teachers are all goddesses".
* [[Good Omens|Crowley and Aziraphale]] have a ''huge'' amount of wingfic out there.
** Also halokink.
** This Tropes recalls a rather ... rousing fic where Crowley has a tail. Said tail is very interesting to play with.
* According to [[Fanfic]], Trance Gemini from ''[[Andromeda]]'' has a very sensitive tail.
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* In ''[[Touhou]]'' fanworks, many of the [[Petting Zoo People]] girls are subjected to this:
** Ran's tails and ears are commonly played with by an unsuspecting [[Catgirl|Chen]] or by a bored [[Reality Warper|Yukari]], producing interesting reactions, spawning the [[Me Me]] '' A cat is added'' as a result of a particular piece.
** A gag comic has Nitori inflating [[Giant Spider|Yamame's]] poofy skirt. Gives her quite an interesting expression there...
*** Built-in [[Lampshade Hanging]]: some translations call it "Reaction D: [[Ecchi]]".
** Horns are a common source of this for fans, including Keine in her hakutaku form, Yuugi, and Suika.
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* ''[[Toy Story]]'' fandom has it that pull-strings and wings are erogenous zones.
* ''[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]'' fans have run away with the idea of Soul Gem Play (directly applying physical contact to a Soul Gem in order to stimulate the poor Magical Girl the Gem belongs to) after {{spoiler|that scene where Kyubey reveals the literal truth about the [[Soul Jar|Soul Gems]] by making Sayaka feel pain through her own Gem}}.
* ''[[Tron]]'' and ''[[Tron: Legacy]]'' fanon has it that programs' circuits are as sensitive as human genitalia (which programs are often but not always assumed to lack). This is supported by a deleted scene in the original.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanon has applied this to both Pegasus wings and unicorn horns.
* ''[[Star Wars: The Clone Wars]]'' fics often make Ahsoka's montrals ''very'' sensitive.
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* ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'' has Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon VI.
{{quote|Some people say her erogenous zones start some four miles from her actual body. Ford Prefect disagrees, saying five.}}
* In Robin Hobb's ''Ship of Destiny'', {{spoiler|Malta, as a result of spending a lot of time on the Rain River,}} ends up with a ridge on her forehead which appears to be, basically, a facial clitoris.
* In Robert Jordan's ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'', the catlike ears of Ogier are explicitly stated to be erogenous zones. Exposing them completely is scandalous, and Loial becomes embarrassed after accidentally mentioning his fiancee's.
* In the ''[[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]'', Gotals' horns are both electromagnetic sensors and erogenous zones. The Twi'lek's head-tentacles likewise.
** Given that the Twi'lek language also involves a body language/signing component using the head tentacles, this effectively makes Twi'lek communication the equivalent of a woman waving her breasts at the person she's speaking to in order to communicate her mood.
** In-story they're explained more as being used like arms; there's a [[Starfish Language|specific sign language]] that few people of other species understand, but the major use is gesturing and emphasis. ''[[Tales From JabbasJabba's Palace]]'' has Oola using hers to indicate [[Sarcasm Mode]] and express disbelief without anyone but Threepio knowing it.
* Wings were mentioned for Aliisza from ''[[War of the Spider Queen]]''. But then, she's Alu-fiend ([[Half-Human Hybrid|half]]-[[Succubus]])...
* Apparently ''[[Temeraire]]'' dragons' tendril-y ruff is like this. Cue very embarrassed Laurence.
* In ''[[The Hollows]]'', when Rachel first moves in with her bisexual vampire co-worker Ivy, she unintentionally does a pile of things that tend to arouse vampires, such as borrowing Ivy's clothes (causing their scents to mix). It's made worse by the fact that Ivy has been trying to avoid drinking blood.
* In the ''[[His Dark Materials]]'' trilogy is it considered taboo to touch the daemon (manifestation of a soul in animal form) of another human being. At the end of the trilogy Will and Lyra accidentally and then deliberately touch each other's daemons, and the subtext couldn't be more obvious.
* [[Sapient Ship]] Daisy Mae (USS Des Moines) in the ''[[Posleen War Series]]'' book Yellow Eyes has a spot directly between her reactors that needs to be scrubbed regularly...
* The section on mermaids in ''[[The Encyclopedia Of Fantasy]]: People of the Light'' uses this as half a solution for the [[Mermaid Problem]], although it's not the tail, it's the hair.
{{quote|Ismael Merindol reveals that mermaids spend so much time combing their hair because it that is their erogenous zone, and a source of incomparable pleasure. He writes: "In my youth I had a mermaid for a lover, but I was unable to give her pleasure in the usual way. However, if I scratched her scalp in a certain way she would very quickly swoon away. For what other women have between their legs, mermaids have in their hair."}}
** This means that all those mermaids you see innocently combing their long tresses are in fact masturbating. [[Squick|Who needs privacy, anyway?]]
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** [[Ho Yay|Which Secret makes a note of...]]
* The D'Bo sisters from ''[[Our Home Planet]]'' are somewhat of an odd example: Their antennae secrete a protein, that, simply said, at one point causes Rika's finger to have an orgasm. It hasn't been shown yet, but given that the antennae are said to be the most sensitive parts of their biology and that they're their reproductive organs (eww), fiddling with them should have this effect.
* In ''[[Two KindsTwokinds]]'', this trope is probably the reason why the Basitin consider non-bandaged feet obscene.
* For Uryuom in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' [[The Empath|empathy / limited telepathy]] does [ most of the job] (they are androgynous, anyway). It's [[Interspecies Romance|far from being limited to their own species]] and this property is inheritable. The genetic lottery leaves some [[Half-Human Hybrid|Half Human Hybrids]] [ without] the human form of attraction and others with a combination of both.
* In ''Dangerously Chloe'' Teddy [ discovers] that horns of the Succubi are sensitive, thanks to his habit of testing things by touching them and another succubus trying to impersonate Chloe without being up to ''those'' specs in any part of the figure. [ Before that], he applied the same scientific method to a young angel girl's wing, but it's not clear whether she blushed and slapped him because that was specifically a wing, or uninvited touching as such.