Fantastic Caste System: Difference between revisions

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* [[Sergey Lukyanenko]]'s novel ''[[Genome]]'' is set around the idea of people in the far future being set into a specific career path before they're even born via the use of [[Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke|genetic engineering]], essentially turning them into [[Gattaca Babies]]. While parents can buy their unborn children whatever specification they can afford, in practice, most parents usually go with their own spec for their kid. This is because each Spec loves his or her job implicitly. There is plenty of bad blood between Specs and Naturals (the un-modified). There is also a planet called Heraldica, populated by the descendants of aristocrats and the Spec'ed servants. And yes, the servants love their jobs and turn their children into servants as well. The nobles often have hunting games, chasing servants and shooting them with stun guns.
* ''[[Futuretrack Five]]'', a 1983 [[Dystopia]] by [[Robert Westall]] has Britain divided up into the Ests (establishment or established persons), the Unmentionables or Unnems and the Techs, who keep the country's technology functioning. Unnems are further sub-divided into the six different 'futuretracks' or careers of Singer, Fighter, Pinball Player, Thief, Racer and Harlot.
* Being heavily inspired by Indian history and mythology, this is naturally part of the ''[[Saga of the Forgotten Warrior]]'' series, all codified by Lok's unquestionable, sacred, Law (yes, it's capitalized). At the highest are the noble First, and the bottom are the Workers, and below any caste are the wretched casteless, who compose a fourth of Lok's population. While there's wide gaps within castes (a worker can be either a lowly dredge who supervises casteless dockworkers, or the wealthiest merchants), and Caste primarily dictates profession instead of status (a wealthy merchant may be higher than a low ranking warrior) the only mobility ''between'' castes is marriage, which is seen as less than excellent for offspring despite cross-caste arranged marriages being mundane occurrences.
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