Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Difference between revisions

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** Then there's the [[Imperial Guard]]. Germany and Russia get two apiece: The Valhallans, despite the Nordic name, are [[Reds with Rockets]] ready to defend Emperorgrad from waves of Orks, whereas the Vostroyans are Space Cossacks. Both the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Armageddon Steel Legion and the Death Korps of Krieg]] are Weltkrieg Germans, but we're not sure which are which: the Steel Legion conduct Blitzkrieg, but are pretty light-hearted by 40K standards, whereas the Death Korps slog through mud and wire but have more Fascistic levels of [[Grimdark]]. Then you have the Catachans, who seem to be ''both sides'' of the Vietnam war; the Tallarn Desert Raiders, who appear to be the Arab Revolt with General Monty's equipment; the red-coated, pith-helmeted, and dark-skinned Pretorians (who, again, seem to represent both sides of the Anglo-Zulu Wars); and the vaguely Prussian Mordians. The Tanith First and Only are subtly Celtic, and while the Cadians are deliberately generic modern military-types, there name is supposedly a nod to Canada's tremendous and oft-overlooked contribution in the World Wars.
*** Planet Armageddon, homeworld of the aforementioned legion, with its whole population constantly at war, and it's extreme pollution, is a twisted mirror of modern Germany. Germany's population is quite pacifist, and extremely environmentalist, so, Armageddon is basically all of their nightmares made manifest.
*** Luggnum "Sewer Rats" regiments [// are described] as carrying swords and wearing flak ''kilt''. [[Bonnie Scotland|Guess what]] Luggnum is supposed to be? No bagpipes, however.
** The Inquisition is, quite obviously, based on the Spanish Inquisition, with a bit of [[Those Wacky Nazis|Gestapo]], and [[Crapsack World|all of the worst fascists in history, really]].
** The [[Our Orcs Are Different|Orks]] started life as a caricature of British football hooligans, and come complete with slang and thick Cockney accents. They mostly stay pretty close to their roots, too.