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* ''Peräsmies'' is a Finnish superhero parody comic. The title hero is a hobo who developed super-powered flatulence after eating irradiated pea soup; he flies by breaking wind, and knocks criminals out by farting on them. The name of the character is a combination of "Teräsmies" (Superman's Finnish name) and "perä" (rear end).
* In one of [[Lobo]]'s stories, he resolves an epic duel with his daughter by eating a can of beans (an obvious Popeye spoof) and setting his fart on fire to create a nuclear explosion.
{{quote| '''The Sun:''' That was a corker!}}
* A similar thing happens in ''[[Gorsky and Butch]]''. In a scene that is a direct spoof of Vasquez and Gorman's death from Aliens. Except here they use canned beans and a lighter. That, and the aliens are replaced by sheep as a result of an untranslatable [[Visual Pun]].
* The titular Johnny Fartpants from ''[[Viz]]'' uses farts to various effect and can alter the effect by eating different things i.e. a tranqualizer fart made by eating 200 paracetamol or an electric fart to power a life support machine by drinking battery acid.
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** B&B also utilize burps and farts as (non-lethal) weaponry in their [[Licensed Game|video game]].
* In the opening of the first ''[[Shrek]]'' movie, Shrek farts in the water, and a fish floats up. Ogre astrology and mythology includes "Bloodnut the Flatulent", whose constellation includes hunters fleeing his stench. Also, when reaching the brimstone-smelling dragon lair...
{{quote| '''Donkey:''' Man, you gotta warn somebody before you crack one like that. My mouth was open and everything.<br />
'''Shrek:''' Donkey, if that was me, you'd be dead. }}
* In their second movie, [[Shrek]] and Fiona fart into their hotspring to make it bubble like a spa.
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== Films -- Live Action ==
* ''[[Mystery Men]]'' features the Spleen, whose superpower is superpowered flatulence. The origin comes from the curse of a gypsy woman. (A deliberate [[You Fail Biology Forever]], as even curse-enhanced farts have nothing to do with the spleen.)
{{quote| "One day, while walking with some friends, I accidentally cut the cheese. Well, in my adolescent awkwardness, I blamed it on an old gypsy woman who happened to be passing by. '''Big mistake!''' The gypsy woman placed a curse upon my head. Because I smelt it, she decreed I would forevermore '''be he who dealt it!'''"}}
** And, naturally enough, he is virtually the only team member whose power is both effective and can be used on demand....
* In the film ''Zoom'' one of the potential candidates for the team is "Jupiter the Gas Giant". He doesn't quite make the cut.
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* The (aptly-named) Gasman, a.k.a. Gazzy from ''[[Maximum Ride]]''. Not only can they incapacitate foes with their smell, they're toxic green.
* In the war novel ''SS General'' by [[Sven Hassel]], Porta has a sudden attack of deafeningly-loud farts while they're trying to sneak through the Russian lines.
{{quote| "Well, just try and control it!" I snapped. "It's like a bloody cannon going off!"<br />
"Stick a cork up your bum," suggested Tiny.<br />
"Germany's secret weapon," I said sourly. "The human champagne bottle... turns his back on the enemy and wipes out whole regiments at a fart!" }}
* ''The Day My Bum (or [[Cultural Translation|Butt]]) Went Psycho'', and the sequels. Farts, in this, are used by the bums not only as weapons, but also for flight.
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** The Slitheen have really smelly farts. This isn't much use to them (it has to do with "gas exchange"), but it is useful to the Doctor, who realizes what species they are from the way their farts smell.
** In the charity spoof episode "Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death", the Doctor and his companion are exploring the ruins of the planet Tersurus, which was inhabited by a now-vanished race called the Tersurons, the most kindly and peaceful race in the universe. They were shunned by all because they used flatulence as their means of communication.
{{quote| "So what happened to them?"<br />
"They discovered fire." }}
* ''[[Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide]]'' has the dreaded Timmy Toot-Toot, who actually refers to his brain-blasting farts as his gift. On one occasion, an attempt to harness them as an alternative fuel source [[A Worldwide Punomenon|backfired]], and forced the school to evacuate.
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* The web-based Flash game ''[[Puzzle Farter]]''--well, come on, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|the title pretty much says it all, doesn't it?]] This one has the "rocket propulsion" brand of flatulence.
* Pey'j in ''[[Beyond Good & Evil (video game)|Beyond Good and Evil]]'' has a pair of Jet-Boots than run on-- well, I'll let him explain:
{{quote| '''Pey'j:''' They run on home-made bio-carburant. Here's the pocket of pressurized methane... ''(points to seat of pants)'' To fire 'em up, just contract your abdominal muscles! }}
* ''[[Boogerman]]''. The titular character fights monsters with an arsenal of bodily functions, which of course includes long-range fartillery. After collecting the 'Chili Pepper' powerup, he can also use his flaming flatulence to reach new heights!
* Earthquake on ''[[Samurai Shodown]]'' has a fart attack as his special move...
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* After losing a battle, O'Chunks from ''[[Super Paper Mario]]'' will blast off using fart propulsion.
** There's also a common enemy, Cherbil, which somewhat resembles a... well, [http://www.mariowiki.com/images/b/b2/88_CherbilCard.PNG just look at it.] It attacks by spraying a gas that causes various status effects from between its... cheeks. The in-game tattle information even alludes to this:
{{quote| "Some say the gas come from their mouths. Some say it comes from elsewhere...... Oh, dear..."}}
* In the custom built fighting game ''[[MUGEN]]'', [[Family Guy|Peter Griffin]] uses farts as a flamethrower (known as the [[Fan Nickname|Anal Torch]]).
** The goblin character Menelikke does the same in his super. There's also the giantess Delilah who, in one of her alternate versions, has a full screen gas attack.
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* Baby Man of ''[[Axe Cop]]'' jets around with his.
* In ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'' it has yet to be seen "on screen", but [http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0651.html this dialogue] implies that the Monster in the Darkness's farts are quite powerful:
{{quote| '''MitD:''' That wasn't me this time! They didn't even SERVE baked beans today!<br />
'''O-Chul:''' No, friend. I think that earth-shattering sound did not originate in your bowels, for once. }}
* Dave Johnson's "Flatulene" uses this as its central premise, a heroine with a "brimstone butt". Read the origin story [http://devilpig.deviantart.com/#/d3dp9yo here] (Warning: NSFW)
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* In the first ''[[South Park]]'' episode, Cartman's [[Farts on Fire]] were needed to summon the aliens. In a more recent episode, Cartman ''injected apple juice into his veins'' to worsen the frequency and potency of his farts as a weapon against a Muslim couple he was demanding information from.
* In the episode of ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'' in which they premiere, the Rowdyruff Boys create a toxic cloud of gas to stop the Powerpuffs.
{{quote| "Good thing we had those burritos for lunch!" }}
** Likewise in ''[[Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z]]'' they use noxious gas to terrorize the audience locked in a TV studio.
* On one episode of ''[[Dexter's Laboratory|Dexters Laboratory]]'', Dexter eats a huge burrito and gets a stomach ache. Thinking he's about to explode, he goes to say goodbye to his parents. His dad tells him to "let 'er rip" -- and he does, with such force that the TV behind him is totally demolished. Dexter's parents are ''aghast''.
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* [[wikipedia:Le Petomane|Le Pétomane]], a French performer, made his career out of breaking wind. Even performed at the [[Moulin Rouge]], although did not appear in the film. Could imitate musical instruments, blow out candles, and with the help of an ocarina and a rubber tube, play ''La Marseillaise''.
* [[Jeff Foxworthy]]'s "Courtesy Sniffs" bit.
{{quote| "I had to throw that shirt away, you know that?"}}
* [[George Carlin]]'s solution to the terrorist problem? The Flatulent Airborne Reaction Team, or F.A.R.T. Three guesses as to what kind of weapons they used.
* Colonoscopy. Afterwards, you have to fart to clear the inserted air out of your system. The nurses encourage this. Any embarrassment is erased by the lingering muscle relaxants in your system.
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* Howard Stern doesn't dress as Fartman anymore, but he recreated his alter-ego for the first few minutes of his movie ''Private Parts''.
* http://archive.student.bmj.com/issues/02/05/education/139.php:
{{quote| "This night was the result of careful preparation with large amounts of curry and beer providing excellent substrate, I was informed. Unimpressed at the thought of any further delay to my latest (video taped) instalment of Eastenders, I was assured that I was "in for a real treat."Balanced on the edge of the sofa, my three flatmates carefully leaned back and lifted their legs up in the air. Then each excitedly lit a match and held it to the seat of their trousers. We were still all in the dark, and, after a protracted countdown, I witnessed the greatest firework display I'd ever seen. Jets of blue flame (bigger and bluer than the flame on your grandmother's brandy soaked Christmas pudding) emanated from each of them in a perfectly synchronised performance."}}
* In his biography, Andre the Giant is mentioned as having cleared many a restaurant of pesky autograph hunters (the obnoxious kind who won't leave a celebrity alone once identified) with flatulence. Where does a gassy 7' tall, 500 lb gorilla sit? Anywhere he wants to.
* The Swedish word for "speed" is "Fart." Make of that what you will.