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[[File:fat-bastard.jpg|link=Austin Powers|rightframe|On the inside you will ''[[Jerk With a Heart of Jerk|not]]'' find [[True Beauty Is On the Inside|true beauty]].]]
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* Subverted in ''[[Paprika]]'' The enormously fat Tokita is suggested to be something of a [[Man Child]], as well as a comically ridiculous overeater who gets stuck in narrow passageways. However, he's also brilliant and, unusually enough, {{spoiler|gets the girl.}}
* ''[[Fist of the North Star]]'' had a lot of fat characters, but several truly stand out. The most famous of them is Mr. Heart, who is ten feet tall, and so fat that if you punch him 'your fist gets stuck up to the elbow.' He is famous for being the first villain to present a challenge and actually do damage to the main hero. Then there's Galf, who looks like an evil version of Mr. Weatherbee from Archie comics, who is obsessed with his dogs. The second series includes Geira, an obese Jabba the Hutt-esque man who hypnotizes people, and Gyoko, a man so fat that he sinks into the ground when he walks.
* In ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]'', there's Demegawa, the corrupt TV producer and presenter. His greed and corruptness make one of Light's plans fail. Moreover, as Kira grows in power and influence, he throws himself wholeheartedly into the role of [[Professional Butt -Kisser]] when it becomes clear who's in charge.
* [[Dragonball Z]]: Fat Buu ''seems'' to be this... but while [[Psychopathic Manchild|fat and childish]], [[Obliviously Evil|he is not intentionally cruel]] and, in the end, winds up [[Heel Face Turn|as one of the good guys.]]
** Definitely an inversion, as he gets ''eviler'' as he gets thinner, from Fat Buu, to the trim-but-buff Super Buu who is evil but at least has a sense of purpose and a tiny germ of honor, to half-pint Kid Buu who's just a [[Complete Monster]] [[Omnicidal Maniac]].
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** Fairly sensitive? Maybe in season 1, when Hurley was a character with many traits (decent, kind, somewhat crazy, obsessed by the numbers...) who also happened to be fat. In season 2, his being fat became the focal point of his character - the most important thing about him, what caused his mental illness, his [[Fatal Flaw]], etc. And all those Sawyer fat jokes - sure, James was still a [[Jerkass]], but Hugo's weight was by far his favourite target. Then there was that bit about Libby falling in love with him, and after she is revealed to be a former patient in a mental hospital - [[Unfortunate Implications|implying that an attractive young woman would fall for an obese guy only if she's not completely sane]]. After season 2 it got better, admittedly.
* Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck, a recurring nemesis from ''[[Monk]]''. Think of him as an obese [[Sherlock Holmes|Moriarity]] or a bigger [[Spider Man|Kingpin]] if all that muscle was actually ''just'' fat.
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'': If you're overweight, there's a good chance you're actually a disgusting fat alien in disguise (Slitheen, Abzorbaloff, etc.)
** Also the Marshal from "The Mutants," an obese human colonialist who refuses to relinquish his power over an apartheid-like regime.
** Or maybe you're stealing food rations during WWII.
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* Balthazar from the ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' episode ''Bad Girls''.
* Naturally averted in ''[[Roseanne]]''. For the most part.
* ''[[Twenty Four24 (TV)|Twenty Four]]'' avoids this with Edgar.
* Ugly Naked Guy in ''[[Friends (TV)|Friends]]''.
** Interestingly enough, in a flashback episode, the character was described by Phoebe as "cute naked guy" who was just starting to put on some weight. By the time of "The One Where Monica Gets a Room-Mate", he was fat.
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* The Heavy is seen as one of these by the other classes in ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'', or so their domination/revenge quotes would seem to indicate.
{{quote| '''Scout:''' I am owning you, you fat [[Bald of Evil|bald]] bastard!}}
* Juan "The Banker" Borgia in ''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed Brotherhood]]''.
** He follows in the footsteps of his fat uncle, [[The Pope|Rodrigo Borgia]]. Unlike the first example (Juan was actually a very thin man), Rodrigo has the excuse of being ''historically' of large girth...and coincidentally, one of history's most notorious villains.
* Though you never get to see the full body of Duke Radcot in [[Vanguard Bandits]], you don't really need to. His portrait alone has three chins. Trying to load that much fat on-screen at once might break the [[PS 1]].
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** Mr Krabs may also count at times, though less enthasis is put on his rotound build for the most part.
* The protagonist of the animated short ''La Faim''. While he is not a particularly nasty person, he disgusts the audience due to his complete and utter selfishness; he cares about absolutely nothing in life outside of his own pleasures. His gluttonous gorging gets more and more over-the-top as the short goes on (facing a full banquet table, he becomes an [[Eldritch Abomination]] made of mouths and arms so he can eat it all, and then literally becomes a steamshovel as he devours the table itself), and he morphs from a handsome young man into a morbidly obese slug. Finally the short ends when the man realizes the cost of his lifestyle: {{spoiler|millions of children across the world are starving. He is surrounded by starving waifs, who proceed to...well, you can probably guess from here}}.
* In the third Aladdin movies, one of the forty thieves is a goofy, clumsy fat guy. [[Beware the Nice Ones|He must be a terrible bastard though]], considering how one becomes one of the forty thieves: [[You Kill It, You Bought It|you must kill another thief...]]
* Fat Cat from ''[[Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (Animation)|Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers]]''.
* [[Fat Idiot|Rancid Rabbit]] from ''[[Cat Dog]]''.
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* [[Those Wacky Nazis|Hermann Goering]], possibly the reincarnation of [[The Caligula|Ceasre Nero]]. Like Henry VIII, he was a thin and good-looking in his youth. But after [[World War I]], he ballooned up to enormous size, and also got a lot more evil as he enthusiastically joined the Nazis. When he was captured at the end of [[World War II]], the pilot assigned to fly him to Nuremberg ''requested a larger airplane, because he was unsure his two-seater could handle Goering's weight.''
* [[Camp Gay|Perez]] [[Small Name, Big Ego|Hilton]]
* Roman Emperor [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitellius |Vitellius.]] Whether he ''was'' truly as bad or his fame is tied to the saying of his political enemies, though, is in discussion.
* Angry fat guy wants his Mcdonalds chicken sandwich and he WANTS IT NOW BITCH! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[[Oza ZWH 97 v Ps]]
* Eric Pickles, member of the UK government responsible for austerity and also the only cabinet minister visible from space. Not a nice man by all accounts.
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