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* [[Framing the Guilty Party]]: Telzey does this in "Undercurrents"
* [[Genre Savvy]]: The unnamed Psychology Service agent assigned to the job of keeping a Federation official safe from telepathic influence in ''Compulsion''. When Telzey tries to read Undersecretary Orsler's mind out of idle curiosity during one of her mother's cocktail parties, the agent first warns her off from tampering with his mind -- and then orders a copy of the classified information she was looking for to be transmitted to her ComWeb account because he knows that Telzey's just going to keep digging into the problem after he leaves, now that she knows the information is important enough to be under Psychology Service security monitoring. He also lampshades that by voluntarily giving her a copy of the file despite it being entirely outside her security clearance, he can at least minimize the damage by both knowing exactly what she's reading and keeping her from stumbling over anything ''else'' in the process of mind-searching for it.
** Sams Larking in ''Glory Day'' is this, bordering on [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]. His gang of renegade psis is set up to betray their employer on Askanam and usurp his position from the beginning, both because Larking wants to be the next ruler of the province and because he knows full well that anybody unscrupulous enough to hire him to help with a palace coup is only going to pay them off in betrayal anyway. Likewise, after Telzey's tampering with things forces him to prematurely put the first phase of his plan into motion, he deliberately does not retaliate against Telzey or Trigger at all but instead has them freed from his late employer's captivity and lets them go free -- because there's no point in killing them, and because Telzey isn't going to fight him to the death if she or her friends are not actually in danger. Telzey still persists after this and (politely) blows up his scheme, but only out of concern that Sams would end up putting ''himself'' in a bad position if he continues with it.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: In "The Symbiotes"
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: Trigger and Heslet Quillan.