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[[File:grease_fire_3269grease fire 3269.jpg|frame|Grease fire + water = BIG problem.]]
The [[Monster of the Week]] is apparently [[Immune to Bullets]], but not only that, it's getting stronger too! Maybe you shot it with an Energy Weapon, maybe you intervened in a situation and [[Reed Richards Is Useless|caused a worse problem to appear]] or maybe you just hit its [[Berserk Button]], but it didn't die, and now it's stronger than ever. [['''Feed It with Fire]]''' is the process by which attempting to [[Kill It with Fire|kill or destroy]] something ends up making it grow, [[Adaptive Ability|become more powerful]], or otherwise [[Infernal Retaliation|help it out.]]
[['''Feed It with Fire]]''' occurs most often as a form of [[Energy Absorption]], although [[Energy Absorption]] is one specific type of [['''Feed It with Fire]]'''. If punching a man makes him get stronger, or attempting to stamp out a religion gives it martyrs and helps it spread, that's a case of [['''Feed It with Fire]]'''. If shooting a laser at the enemy makes it grow stronger, then it's both. If you're using lightning to animate a dead body, that's just [[Energy Absorption]].
See Also:
