Fighting a Shadow: Difference between revisions

(merged "card games" into "tabletop games", "comics"->"comic books")
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* In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's]]'', the Book of Darkness is like this: every time it is physically destroyed, it respawns somewhere else in the multiverse, ready to devour another planet. The [[Big Bad]]'s "[[Evil Plan]]" includes sealing the Book in magical ice for eternity... [[And I Must Scream|along with its current Master]]. Team Nanoha, however, finds a better solution: separate the Defense Program responsible for regeneration from the rest of the book and destroy it. Even so, however, the Defense Program would have regenerated somewhere within days, had {{spoiler|Reinforce, the Master Program of the Book, not committed [[Suicide by Cop]]}}. ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable|The Battle Of Aces]]'' shows a [[What If]] scenario of what would have happened had the Defense Program been allowed to regenerate.
* {{spoiler|The Anti-Spiral}} from [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]] seems to be something like this. Possible an collective conscience in a shadowy form.
* Junior Warrant Oficcer Schrödinger from ''[[Hellsing]]''. His powers and name deriving from the [[wikipedia:Schrodinger's cat|though experiment]] designed by the physic of the same name. As he is a self observing Schrödinger's cat he's everywhere and nowhere at the same time, being his body the manifestation of his self-consciousness.
== Comic Books ==