Final Fantasy V/Characters: Difference between revisions

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==== The Blue Mage ====
{{quote box|[[Blue Mage]]_4799.png}}
[[Final Fantasy V (Video Game)|Final Fantasy V]] introduced these unique mages, having the ability to learn certain magic used by enemies. Their skill set is fairly diverse, ranging from offensive magic like Goblin Punch and Flame Thrower, to defensive buffs like Mighty Guard.
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==== The Black Mage ====
{{quote box|[[Black Mage]]_6059.png}}
Masters of offensive magics. They do tend to be outclassed later on by Summoners and Mystic Knights, but they are fairly useful to the end.
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==== The White Mage ====
{{quote box|[[White Mage]]_5387.png}}
Masters of defensive magics. Unlike Black Mages, they remain consistently useful throughout the game.
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==== The Mystic Knight ====
{{quote box|[[Mystic Knight]]_2699.png}}
These warriors have the ability to enchant their weapons with magic, allowing them to exploit elemental weaknesses, inflict status effects, drain HP or MP, or just deal heavy damage.
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==== The Red Mage ====
{{quote box|[[Red Mage]]_8764.png}}
These scarlet-clad, tabard-wearing wizards take up magic and fighting equally, resulting in a Jack-of-all-trades that is also a [[Master of None]]. [[Final Fantasy V (Video Game)|Final Fantasy V]] gives them the Dualcast ability, making mastering this job ultimately worth it.
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==== The Time Mage ====
{{quote box|[[Time Mage]]_7612.png}}
These are masters of time and space, able to speed up allies, slow down foes, rewind time to the beginning of a battle, and even summon meteors.