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There are five classes to choose from, with the option to select one being presented upon your rescue. They are:
'''Fighter''': Utilizes swords and armor, and can [[Magic Knight|cast White Magic]]. One of the classes recommended for beginners.<br />'''[[The Red Mage|Red Mage]]''': Utilizes rods and robes. This class has a mastery of both White and Black Magics, meaning it can heal itself and thrash enemies with ease.<br />'''Summoner''': Rods and robs. Think [[Final Fantasy IV|Rydia]], as far as its powers. Or just, you know, ''read what the class is called.''<br />'''Dragoon''': Spears and armor. Allows you to jump higher than normal (see [[Character Select Forcing]]) and attack in mid-air, which other classes cannot do. The other class that's good for new players.<br />'''None''': Swords, armor, and nothing else. Meant for those that like more of a challenge.<br /><br />
=== Tropes used in ''Final Vision'': ===