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I've walked on the Moon barefoot. }}
* [[Time Skip]]: Even disregarding the [[Anachronic Order]], the story spans over 20,000 years and most of that time understandably doesn't get examined in detail. In detail it only really covers from 2000-2020 or so, and a few brief segments in between, before jumping to the end.
** When astronomers discover ''something'' in space traveling at near-light speed, setting off supernovas, and headed straight for Earth, they convince one of the leading Script scientists to use some [[Magic From Technology]]. He bubbles the Solar System into extradimensional space, but this results in a [[Post Apocalyptic]] Earth.}}
* [[Time Travel]]: With automatic anti-paradox protection going backward. Each direction only gets used once. It's used by one of Oul's slaves to blow up Manhattan.
* [[Title Drop]]: In the very first story. A few of the individual chapters do this as well.