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Two characters meet to do battle on the field of honor, watched by someone in a position of authority over them. Maybe they are [[Gladiator Games|gladiators, fighting for the amusement of the King and his people]]. Maybe they are two students fighting for the right to learn from [[Sink or Swim Mentor|a master]]. In any case, they fight tooth and nail to defeat each other, and eventually one comes out on top, tasting victory while the opponent lies helpless and defeated.
As he enjoys his hard fought victory, he is congratulated by the onlooker, who then coldly orders him to finish the job and [[Kick Them While They Are Down|finish off his opponent]], killing them and [[You Kill It, You Bought It|taking the rightful place as the most brutal and powerful fighter in the land]].
If the winner is [[The Hero]] (especially if he is [[The Messiah]]), he will more often than not refuse to kill his opponent, and attempt to leave without any more blood on his hands, earning the ire of the onlooker (unless it was a [[Secret Test of Character]] all along). If the heroic fighter is more aggressive, he may instead kill the captive to establish his character as being more inclined to brutality, to the [[Smug Snake|amusement and satisfaction of the watcher]] (who may not know that he is next).
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* Near the end of the "Superman In Exile" storyline, Superman is forced to fight in gladiatorial games on the distant planet known as Warworld. After a hard fought battle against the champion, Superman comes out victorious, and is ordered to [[Finish Him!]] by the [[Big Bad]] Warlord Mongul, who is watching the fight. When Supes refuses, it angers Mongul, demoralizes and humiliates the champion (who had hoped for an honorable death in battle), and astonishes the hordes of spectators watching the fight. This part of the storyline was adapted into a ''Justice League Unlimited'' episode titled "War World".
== Film ==
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* [[Spartacus]] features what may be the [[Ur Example]] in modern film, with Spartacus and the "Nubian" forced to fight to the death at the gladiator school (in violation of school policy that they would not be forced to kill one another while there) for the amusement of several Roman nobles. In a bit of an aversion, Spartacus, the titular hero, actually loses and his opponent is the one who refuses to carry out the killing blow, opting instead to throw his trident at the evil Roman politician who gave the order and then climb the wall of the arena to get at him. The incident (along with Spartacus' love interest being taken away from him) is what kicks off the riot at the gladiator training facility and starts the slave revolt that forms the main plot.
* ''[[Star Wars]]''
** ''[[Revenge of the Sith]]'': After Anakin defeats and disarms (literally) Count Dooku he is ordered to [[Finish Him!]] by the watching captive, [[Manipulative Bastard|Palpatine]]. After surprisingly little fight (or, perhaps, [[Horrible Judge of Character|not so surprising]]), Anakin complies, and instantly regrets it.
** In ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'', Palpatine gives Luke the same instruction as he stands over the defeated Darth Vader. This time, however, it doesn't work, and Luke's refusal to kill his own father is a major factor in the latter's [[Heel Face Turn]].
* ''[[Batman Begins]]'': Played straight, though, without prior knowledge of Ra's Al Ghul's personality, it would seem to a [[Secret Test of Character]] instead.
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* At the end of ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3]]'', the main character is {{spoiler|standing over his mentor's broken body aiming his Patriot at her face}}. [[Tear Jerker|The game won't continue until you fire.]]
* In the first ''[[Fable I (Video Game)|Fable I]]'', you fight alongside Whisper in the Arena. Since two people can't be the Arena Champion, you're ordered to fight eachother to the death. The two of you make a deal to "just give them a good show," with the winner just leaving after nearly killing the other, but it's up to the player whether or not to honor it.
* ''[[Guitar Hero]] III''. After defeating Lou in the final boss battle in Hell, you get an opportunity to play the final section in the song and [[Finish Him!]] to regain your soul. Why does he come back in GH:WT? He got sent back to hell.
** The devil always comes back. He came back to Georgia, after all.
* In ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', the conclusion to the [[Final Boss]] battle vs. the Lich King is a form of this. After all appears lost, Tirion Fordring {{spoiler|shatters the dread runeblade Frostmourne, breaking the Lich King's power and releasing all the souls he's stolen}}. As he floats there helpless, Terenas Menethil resurrects the raid group, and orders the players to finish off Arthas.
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