Fire in His Fingertips: Difference between revisions

This is going to be my final edit since I've decided to retire.
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(This is going to be my final edit since I've decided to retire.)
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* [[A Man Is Always Eager]]: It does not take much for Ryo to turn Souma on. Souma claims it was because he waited ten years to be with Ryo. By chapter 139, Ryo knows that once his switch is flipped on, there's no stopping him.
* [[All Women Are Prudes]]: Subverted with Ryo. She always acts nervous when Souma is turned on and has called him a pervert and a womanizer, but there are strong hints throughout the series that suggest that she does enjoy having sex with him, such as when she insisted he pleasure her at a restaurant or when she tells him to blindfold her even though he was only joking. At two points in the manga, she has even performed fellatio on him.
* [[Anger Born of Worry]]: One of the few times Souma has ever gotten angry with Ryo is when she stopped making noise while trapped in her apartment during a fire, which got him thinking of a worst case scenario.
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* [[Covert Pervert]]: Ryo does her best to hide it, but even Souma knows she is secretly one, especially when she wore very revealing and sexy lingerie.
* [[Could Have Avoided This Plot]]: A lot of arcs in the manga could have been avoided if things were discussed rather than reacted to. For instance a pregnant woman stayed at Ryo's apartment after a fight with her husband because she thought he was going to buy a luxury car. Turns out he was planning on selling his car for a family one. Rei's arc wouldn't have been as long if Ryo told Souma about him working at the cosmetics company and Rei could have told the girl that had a crush on him he wasn't interested in her instead of asking Ryo to pretend to be his girlfriend.
* [[Ethical Slut]]: Souma is a male example. He's perverted and wants sex all the time, but he's also loyal to Ryo when she becomes his girlfriend and is enraged by adultery. He's also a fireman and saves people from burning buildings all the time.
* [[Everyone Has Standards]]: Souma may be a flirt, but adultery enrages him as shown when he found out his sister's boyfriend was cheating on her. He also felt uncomfortable when Ryo insisted he pleasure her in a crowded restaurant, though he did it anyway.
* [[Ferris Wheel Date Moment]]: Souma and Ryo have sex in a ferris wheel at one point.
* [[Firemen Are Hot]]: Souma, Jun, and and Yuki, but mostly Souma since he gets the most focus as the main character.
* [[Firemen Are Hot]]
* [[Flat Character]]: Unless your names are Ryo Fujihashi or Souma Mizuno, chances are you're this in the story.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: It's strongly implied that Souma's womanizing was a result of not being in a relationship with Ryo.
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* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Souma, Jun, and Yuki. There's a reason this is considered hentai for girls.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Ryo Fujihashi is a fit young woman with large breasts. She's also been nude more times than Souma has.
* [[Mr. Vice Guy]]: Souma is a firefighter that has saved numerous people from fires, apprehended an arsonist that was strangling Ryo, helped a family get their car out of a ditch, "rescued" his own love rival along with Ryo from carnival monsters, and is a very reliable and dependable boyfriend to Ryo. He is however quite perverted and easily turned on by Ryo.
* [[Muscles Are Meaningful]]: Souma is ripped and also incredibly strong and was able to subdue an arsonist strangling Ryo by grabbing him, lifted up both Ryo and Rei Hidaka and ran carrying them both, lifted a car out of a ditch and the strength and stamina he gets from his training is one of the factors in him being so good at sex with Ryo. Justified as in real life a lot of equipment firefighters wear or use weigh over a hundred pounds and they also have to carry people out of burning buildings.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Souma in a state of anger over Ryo pretending to Rei's girlfriend ended up raping her. When Ryo apologized, he came to his senses and made this reaction. Thankfully it was resolved peacefully.
* [[Never Gets Drunk]]: Souma can hold his liquor quite well, unlike Ryo who easily gets hammered. Justified since larger muscles can give you a higher tolerance for alcohol.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Souma is a fun loving individual. He gets along with his friends and helped a family with their car when it was stuck in a ditch. Plus he helps "save" his own love rival from carnival monsters. He can however be a bit aggressive during sex.
* [[Office Lady]]: Ryo works as one at a cosmetics company and is one of it most valuable employees along with Rei.
* [[Official Couple]]: Souma Mizuno and Ryo Fujihashi.
* [[OOC Is Serious Business]]: Normally Souma is pretty laid back and friendly and even when he raped Ryo in the third chapter and first episode of the anime, it wasn't completely malicious and Ryo felt more annoyed than threatened. However when Ryo pretended to be Rei's girlfriend to get another girl off his back, Souma raped her again, only even more aggressively and angrily. Ryo could tell she really upset Souma and felt scared. Thankfully it was resolved and even Souma showed remorse for it.
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* [[Right Behind Me]]: Souma overhears why Ryo wants to be with him when she discusses it with Rei.
* [[Sex God]]: Souma can make Ryo orgasm without penetrating her. Ryo even claims she could come just by feeling Souma inside her and made her come twice during sex. Even when Ryo is at her limit, Souma usually has a lot more energy to spare due to his massive strength and stamina. Through chapter 138 to 140, the two had sex all day long, and while Ryo passed out from all the sex, Souma still had so much stamina he started to lift weights like it was nothing.
* [[Sex Is Good]]: Nearly after every arc, Souma and Ryo's love grows stronger and ends with sex.
* [[Shower of Love]]: Souma attempted this once with Ryo but a blackout prevented Souma from following through with it. Though it wasn't consensual, it's implied Ryo wanted it to happen.
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: Ryo wants to be with Souma because unlike with Rei, Ryo is allowed to be herself when with her childhood friend.
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* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]: Souma.
* [[The Immodest Orgasm]]: Ryo often screams after getting an orgasm. Souma even suggested they get a soundproof house so she doesn't have to hold it in while they were house hunting.
* [[The Power of Love]]: Somewhat downplayed. Souma was already a sex god with his strength and stamina and big penis but during episode 8 of the anime when Ryo finally admits she loves him during sex, he gained an extra burst of strength that resulted in Ryo having an orgasm. And Souma wasn't done.
* [[Toilet Seat Divorce]]: The reason why Rei broke up with Ryo and broke her heart eight years ago is because she wanted to go to the same university as him. That's it.
* [[Two-Person Pool Party]]: Episodes 6 to 7 in the first season anime and chapters 30 to 31 in the manga.
* [[Unkempt Beauty]]: Male example. Souma combs his hair and dresses nicely and prepares a fancy meal to hopefully one-up his rival, Rei. Ryo's response is to mess up Souma's hair back into its spiky self, showing that she likes him the way he is.
* [[Unrequited Love]]: Souma had to deal with this for ten years until he finally got his [[Relationship Upgrade]] with Ryo.
* [[Victim Falls For Rapist]]: Very rare justified example. Despite having raped Ryo and a lot of non-consensual sex scenes, Souma was also a dependable guy who saved her from a fire that burned her apartment, gave her a place to stay, helped her get her life back on track after the fire, rescued her from an arsonist strongly implied to have been the one who set her apartment on fire, and once he becomes Ryo's boyfriend, incredibly loyal. It also helps that he is really really good at sex. Is it any wonder she fell in love with him?
* [[Victim Falls For Rapist]]: The first time Souma and Ryo had "sex" it was pretty much rape despite there being no penetration. They end up becoming lovers several chapters later.
* [[Women Prefer Strong Men]]: Ryo chose Souma, a very muscular man and her childhood friend, over Rei, her ex-boyfriend. To be fair, Souma is a loyal and loving boyfriend and Rei broke her heart eight years ago when he broke up with her.
* [[Workout Fanservice]]: Both the anime and manga have scenes where Souma, Izumi, and Jun workout while shirtless.