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* ''[[An Untitled Story]]'' features [[Temple of Doom|SkySand]], a desert-themed tower floating above SkyTown, and [[Slippy-Slidey Ice World|IceCastle]], a glacier floating high above the LongBeach. Both areas contain a [[Plot Coupon|gold orb]].
* The ''[[Ratchet and Clank]] Future'' saga has Stratus City in ''Tools of Destruction'' and the Valkyrie Citadel in ''A Crack in Time''.
* The third installment to the ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]]'' franchise, ''BioShock Infinite'' has a floating city as the new setting, named Columbia. Created by the American government sometime in the late 1890's, Columbia was "designed to demonstrate to the world by example the founding democratic principles of the United States, the product of American ideals, endeavor and industry." Basically, it would fly all over the world and export American ideas to other parts of the world. Over time, it became armed to the teeth and, after a shocking international incident, Columbia retreated to the clouds, never to be seen again. Until the player character is sent there and finds everything has gone to hell.
* ''[[Sacrifice]]'' The setting takes place in a realm where the world which torn asunder after a great war,forming the floating islands. As the game progress some of the island start to melt away because of the [[Big Bad|Big Bad's]] [[Doomsday Device]].
* The Hidden Land in ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers]]''. {{spoiler|In the [[Bad Future]], its started to come apart at the edges.}}