Florante at Laura: Difference between revisions

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* [[Author Tract]]: Basically the whole thing, but special mention goes to the chapter "Pag-Ibig Anakin", which is dedicated to bashing parents who [[Spoiled Brat|spoil their kids]].
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: Florante.
* [[BeginnersBeginner's Luck]]: {{spoiler|Florante bests Osmalic, a known and fearsome general. It's Florante's first real fight.}}
* [[Bedsheet Ladder]]: {{spoiler|How Flerida got out of the castle}}.
* [[Beneath the Mask]]: In his younger days, Adolfo pretended to be sweet, elegant, and smart, never picking a fight. This was not the case.
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* [[Creator Breakdown]]: Gubat na Mapanglaw = Balagtas' state in the prison.
* [[Deceased Parents Are the Best]]: Florante's mom and dad, Floresca and Briseo. Floresca was loving and (over?)protective, Briseo was kind, caring, and a paragon of virtue.
* [[Deus Angst Machina]]: [[Fan Nickname|Flo.]] Let me count the ways: {{spoiler|nearly killed}} in a [[School Play]], his mom dies, he suddenly becomes general of Albania's army and must separate from Laura and fight, receives a letter saying to return to Albania, {{spoiler|is ambushed, thrown in jail}}, finds out that Briseo and Linceo are killed, finds out that [[I Have You Now, My Pretty|Adolfo has Laura now]], banished and [[Chained to A Rock|chained to a tree in]] [[Mordor]] forest. ''Wow''.
* {{spoiler|[[Distressed Damsel]]: Laura. So much.}}
* [[Evil Always Triumphs in The Middle]]
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* [[Greed]]: Adolfo's avarice for power and money is his motivation.
* [[How We Got Here]]: How the story is told.
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]]: Adolfo to Laura. Florante thinks it's consensual, though.
* [[In Medias Res]]
* [[Long Title]]: The full title, in archaic Tagalog, is "Pinagdaanang Buhay nina '''Florante at Laura''' sa Kahariang Albanya: Kinuha sa madlang "cuadro histórico" o pinturang nagsasabi sa mga nangyayari nang unang panahon sa Imperyo ng Gresya, at tinula ng isang matuwain sa bersong Tagalog." <ref>"The Life of Florante and Laura in the Kingdom of Albania: Culled from a publicly-displayed "cuadro histórico" or painting which describes the events which were occurring during ancient times in the Empire of Greece, and penned by one who enjoys Tagalog verse."</ref>