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== Radio ==
* In ''[[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (radio series)|The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'', it's generally a really bad idea to activate the starship [[Cool Ship|''Heart of Gold'']]'s Infinite Improbability Drive without proper programming, as literally '''anything''' could happen as a result. However, when confronted with imminent destruction by a pair of nuclear missiles, [[Unfazed Everyman|Arthur Dent]] goes ahead and does it anyway, since almost anything else would be an improvement. Luckily, the only thing that happens this time is a redecorating of the ship's bridge, and the two nuclear missiles being replaced by a live sperm whale and a bowl of petunias. (Also occurs in the book, TV series and movie adaptations.)
** If we knew why the bowl of petunias thought "Not again!" while falling, we would probably understand a lot more about the universe. {{spoiler|Of course, later in the series, we find out ''exactly'' why. Damn thing kept getting killed by Dent.}} [[It Makes Sense in Context]].