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* Admiral [[Honor Harrington]]. Actually a fair number of Admirals in the Honorverse.
**In the Honorverse someone has to command fleets at the sharp point even if the bureaucracy is way back at [[Mission Control]]. It is not just an affectation that there is no room for "chateau generalship" in the Royal Manticoran Navy.
***That is truth in television too. While aA prolonged commerce raiding/counterraiding contest can be directed from shore,. However communications has never been good enough to allow that in a fleet action (it has not been tested sense then as there have been no full dress fleet actions sense world war 2). More importantly a fleet has a few dozen ships, while a twentieth century army sprawls all over the place.
***At the same time generals have when they could gotten close to the front lines often because they were subalterns in WWI and did not remember chateau generalship fondly. Coincidently, chateau generalship was as much because of the circumstance of WWI on the Western Front which was one big siege. andThus it placed a premium on command rather then leadership, asand it was not necessarily because of actual cowardice in officers who had after all signed on for a career they knew involved getting shot at. In places where there was room to maneuver like the Eastern front or Middle Eastern fronts of [[World War I]] or in the succeeding bits of chaos you do occasionally see a four star badass.
** Henke, a friend of Harrington's is a badass on her own and she shows up in some of the later series.
** Haven has several. They did after all survive Manticore.
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* General Stockwell of the 5th season of ''[[The A-Team]]'' is shown to be a excellent marksman and hand-to-hand combatant as well as fluent in Chinese and always two steps ahead of everyone else. Of course, he ''is'' played by [[The Man from U.N.C.L.E.|Robert Vaughn]]...
* Several characters are this in ''[[Game of Thrones]]''.
* [[The Winds of War and War and Remembrance|The Winds of War/War and Remembrance]] miniseries naturally shows a number of four star badasses. Victor Henry, the hero, ends up as one at the end when the war is over making him a four star retired badass. Von Roon who is an [[Insufferable Genius]] in the book, is an [[Only Sane Man]] in Hitler's court and takes the time to personally visit the front (and see the appalling sight of German soldiers trickling towards the rear). There are also [[Historical Domain Character|Historical Domain Characters]] like Patton, Rommel, Halsey, Spruance, and others.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==