Freejack: Difference between revisions

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* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: The Eagle Man, aka the "river rat guy", who talks to Alex when he rises from the river.
* [[One Bullet Left]]: When Alex and Julie realize that Michelette's men are going to kill them when their elevator arrives at the lobby, Alex notes that he has only one bullet. He then jokes if their killer's [[One-Hit Polykill|could go into a line]].
* [[Showing Off the New Body]]: When {{spoiler|1=McCandless' mind is downloaded onto Alex Furlong's body.}}. {{spoiler|Though Alex is just faking it.}}.
* [[Taking You with Me]]: Fatally wounded Boone blows himself up, taking several mercanires with him.
* [[Time Travel Escape]]: Alex is taken from the timestream moments before his historical death in a horrific car crash, so no one would miss him. Of course, Alex is hardly being "rescued" so much as "harvested", but the net result is the same.