Fridge Logic

  • All financial transactions, all news, all everything goes through the Neural Net. The neural net serves every faction, regardless of legality or even states of war. So who runs the Neural Net???
    • I heard it's all maintained by Interspace Commerce.
    • Think of the Neural Net as the Internet. That might help.

Fridge Brilliance

  • A lot of the Acceptable Breaks From Reality, like 2-D Space and Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale can be be explained with disturbing ease when you consider Word of God-backed possibility that the Daam K'Vosh more or less built Sirius from the ground up and have nigh-incalculable power.
  • Freelancer has often been called the king of Acceptable Breaks From Reality due to little things like the fact that everything in Sirius is apparently on the same plane and is astrologically speaking a hop, skip, and a jump away from everything else. Most simply write it off as being a necessary compromise with reality in order to make the game playable. However, after reading the Nomad Backstory written up by one of the game's original creators, the possibility emerged that the outright bizarre characteristics of Sirius that we see ingame may not be (merely) the developers taking the pragmatic approach, but may in fact be the result of Sirius being largely created by the not-so-resident Sufficiently Advanced Alien gods known as the Daam K'Vosh. Needless to say, the entire game seems quite a bit more ominous now. Turtler