• Porting Disaster: The PC version not only shipped with Ubisoft's notorious DRM (even though Ubisoft themselves previously said it wouldn't), it also suffered from a lack of visual adjustment options like anti-aliasing, a permanently locked 30 frames-per-second display, slowdown, and other glitches such as not having the main menu appear at all. It's also the first time that Steam has given out refunds to disgruntled consumers since Grand Theft Auto IV.
    • The map 'High Tides' is notorious; on the xbox the water sinks much lower than on the PC, meaning you need the Random Number God to give you a break.
      • Perhaps this has since been patched to work properly, but High Tides is more simply dickish than outright punishing--once one village gets the Repel Water power the tides no longer matter except for getting from village to village, and you can pause the tide at its lowest point for a minute with Jellify Water. Once you get Infinite Earth, you can raise the whole island above high tide if you want.
        • No, it's still broken. The fact is that it's nigh impossible to get Repel Water and Jellify Water because the tide will never fall low enough to allow your idiots to reach the second totem.