• Crowning Music of Awesome: The game makes liberal use of licensed songs by heavy metal band The Gone Jackals to punctuate dramatic moments, as well as the truly epic opening sequence punctuated by "Legacy".
  • Game Breaker: Press "v" to win all bike fights in the game. Besides this, the Chainsaw has roughly the same effect, allowing you to one-shot everyone except the Cavefish.
  • Too Good to Last: The game had two sequels canceled in development. The first fell apart due to problems between the staff and "a particular person in management". The other made it as far as an E3 playable demo before suddenly being canned without explanation. Since Tim Schafer is no longer with LucasArts, nor is anyone involved in the game, it is questionable that it will ever be revived.
    • Which is probably a good thing, since what we saw of those sequels didn't look good.