Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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=== Note: This page is for theories about the first ''Fullmetal Alchemist'' anime. See ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (FranchiseManga)/WMG|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' for the manga and the current anime ''Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood''. ===
== Homunculi aren't necessarily {{spoiler|FAILED attempts to bring the dead back to life}}... ==
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* Not everyone knows about the truth of what happened but everyone knows fragments of it. Communication is difficult between countries. Rumors could spread about how King Bradley could be a homunculus or how that Selim died. All sorts of stories could spread through the various countries twisting the truth.
== The writers originally intended to include a [[Whole -Episode Flashback]] detailing the Dante and Hohenheim's past ==
* This is admittedly more wishful thinking than actual speculation, but at the end of the series these two characters are the only ones to feel conspicuously underdeveloped, with their motives, methods and histories being defined so vaguely as to be downright frustrating. A flashback episode going into greater detail about their origins and histories would have fit right in, fleshing out the characters and rounding out the series at a nice tidy 52 episodes, as well as answering a lot of nagging questions without sacrificing some degree of ambiguity surrounding them, which is what the writers were aiming for. Furthermore, the removal of the brief flashbacks about their past in the last 6-7 episodes would have granted the writers more time to devote to Mustang's coup, a plotline which felt distinctly truncated in the final episodes. (The last time we see Mustang's crew before the end of the show they're in the trenches fighting against the troops still loyal to Bradley, and Havoc says he wants to "try out his Colonel Mustang impression". The next time we see them is in the epilogue, after Bradley has already been dethroned and Amestris is at peace, with no explanation of how they made it out of the trenches alive. Also, for no particularly good reason we never actually see Mustang lose his left eye - it's merely implied that Archer shot it off.) Really, with just one or two more episodes' worth of run time, nearly all of the problems with the anime's ending could easily be fixed. It's hard not to get the impression that the production became rushed during the home stretch.
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So that's stuff suggesting Hohenheim might have been intimate with Winry's mom. As for him being her biological father: '''1)''' Winry has bright blonde hair like Hoho and Ed, while the brief flashback we get of them shows her parents were both brown haired. '''2)''' The anime writers took the romance out of Ed and Winry's relationship and made them [[Like Brother and Sister]]; maybe it was because the writers were thinking of the two as ''actual'' brother and sister. '''3)''' In the Kids OVA, Ed has a great-granddaughter who looks just like Winry; Ed and Winry sharing some of the same genetics might explain that a little.
== The Gate is the [[Doctor Who (TV)|Time Vortex]] ==
From the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "Journey's End", we know human brains aren't built to handle Time Lord knowledge, and from "The Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Time Lords" and ''The End of Time'', we know that at least some of that Time Lord knowledge comes from the Time Vortex which is why Ed was only able to retain flashes of what he saw in the Gate. Even when applied to a Time Lord, the Vortex causes some to be enlightened, some to go mad, and some to just run away. When Rose Tyler absorbed the Vortex and became Bad Wolf, she actually gained the ability to perform long range, circleless alchemy, which she can't perform afterward either because it never occurred to her to try or memory loss. If the Doctor hadn't sucked it out of her, her body would've been consumed in the same way Alphonse's was, which the Doctor was saved from by regeneration. However, being a Time Traveller and thus having gained some tolerance for the Vortex, she was able to survive it long enough to actually do something. We also know that the Time Lords regulated alternate universe travel, hence the Gate occasionally flinging people to our world.
It's also possible that Hoenheim was mistaken about the source power of alchemy and that, in fact, the Eye of Harmony survived the Time War (Even if the Time Lords didn't) and needs somewhere to pour all that excess energy (Which would also explain where the TARDIS' power is coming from post Time War)