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Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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=== Note: This page is for theories about the first ''Fullmetal Alchemist'' anime. See ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Mangamanga)/WMG|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' for the manga and the current anime ''Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood''. ===
== Homunculi aren't necessarily {{spoiler|FAILED attempts to bring the dead back to life}}... ==
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== The Red Stones [[Psycho Serum|wear at your sanity]] ==
Think about it. Wrath went nuts after being given them by {{spoiler|Envy}}, and he had memories of the Gate after eating them. You could also say that the older the homunculi, the crazier they are (which might be something of a giveaway as to who's the oldest). And then there's what the stones [[Powered Byby a Forsaken Child|are made of]]. That means {{spoiler|all those human souls are screaming and twisting inside you all the time}}, and [[Captain Obvious|that can't be good for your mental stability]]. [[My Friends and Zoidberg|And then there's ]] {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bastard|Dante]]}}. No wonder they're crazy!
== Wrath is autistic ==
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