Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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** When he [[Moral Event Horizon|killed Maria Ross by burning her alive]], everyone hated him. Then we found out that he actually ''saved'' her by [[Faking the Dead|faking her death and smuggling her to Xing]].
*** Not only that, he practically made a whole, fail-safe scheme to get her off the hook ''on the fly''. He even convinced [[Dr. Jerk|Dr. Knox]] to fake the autopsy!
*** Might I add: Maria Ross's parents and former partner aren't in on the plan. To them, Mustang is still the revenge-seeking bastard who burned to death an innocent woman. So, [[Zero -Approval Gambit|he also has to shoulder the role of villain, even though it's really the opposite.]]
*** It actually was more of a [[Batman Gambit]]. Knox wasn't in on the plan either, but when saw that the corpse actually wasn't Maria Ross he knew that Roy was up to something, and decided to support him. Roy never directly spoke to Knox until ''after'' the autopsy report was filed.
** Mustang owns Ed and Scar by defeating the [[Nightmare Fuel|Cyclops Army]] with a single snap of his fingers. What they both couldn't manage in a couple of chapters, he did in one panel. Ed's expression of complete disbelief was absolutely priceless. Also, making [[The Stoic|Riza]] ''[[Ship Tease|blush]]'' should be considered [[OTP|an impressive feat]].
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'''Mustang''': {{spoiler|Maes Hughes}} is dead. That's a fact. And you invoke his image? You must be a glutton for ''punishment''!! (snaps his fingers again) }}
** The anime [[Up to Eleven|takes it to eleven]] by having [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFImdakNCAU Mustang firing off his flames randomly]. It makes the [[Curb Stomp Battle]] look like it's been spiced with a dash of [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|overkill.]]
*** It's like a dead-serious version of Anime!Ed's fight with Anime!Envy. *Envy turns into Roy* "[[Fullmetal Alchemist (FranchiseManga)/Funny|You couldn't have picked a better target!]]"
** Not many men can make a Homunculus look like they've just SHAT themselves. For that, there's Roy.
** And before that [[Shut UP, Hannibal|"Oh for God's sake, just shut up, idiot!"]]
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"I'll show you the Briggs Way!"<br />
"You can hibernate there until spring, you big lummox." }}
** She continues her habit of killing members of High Command after one of the Generals holds her at gunpoint. She stabs his arm, causing him to drop his gun, and then in one smooth motion, she picks up the gun and points it at a second General. She then points out that their cause is not noble, [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/sacrifice.html nor is she like Mustang] -- and [[Boom! Headshot!|shoots him in the head.]]
*** She then [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/i-made-a-mess.html takes the first General as a hostage], holding him at both ''gunpoint and sword point'' and orders his subordinates to call off the men defending Central. When they don't comply, she stabs his foot. After all that, {{spoiler|the General then pulls off his own moment of awesome, telling his men not to comply with General Armstrong's orders. ''While [[Four -Star Badass|General]] [[Lady of War|Olivier]] [[Iron Lady|Mira]] [[Hot -Blooded|Armstrong]] holds him with both a sword and a gun''. That takes ''guts''.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|Close the north, south, east, and west gates of the Central Command Center! Do not let a single one of Briggs or Mustang's soldiers inside!"}}}}
** And when they revealed that they can hold her as hostage, she said, "You don't understand, do you? [[Social Darwinist|Our motto is 'survival of the fittest'.]] If I had to die here, then it's just proves that I didn't have what it takes to survive." This is what happens when you mix [[Social Darwinist]], [[Determinator]], and [[Mama Bear]].
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{{quote| '''Izumi''': When people ask, I say [[Catch Phrase|"I'm a housewife!"]]. It does make sense. But today, I've shed that particular disguise. {{spoiler|[[Badass Boast|I AM AN ALCHEMIST]]}}!!}}
** Olivier arriving on an elevator. ''[http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/through-the-gate.html IN A TANK.]''
* Major Armstrong and Sig Curtis instantly(and I mean ''instantly'') bonding and tag teaming on Sloth. [[Rated "M" for Manly|A manlier scene has not been seen in anime since]] ''[[Fist of the North Star]]''.
* [[Cute Bruiser]] May manages to clock the utterly surprised Elric brothers in tandem and rescue Scar from military police capture with a powerful combination of long-range alkahestry and wicked martial art skills.
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*** And for those of you who liked original Greed:
{{quote| '''Greed''': Anyone who has a family, a lover, or just doesn't want to get hurt, get outta here now. Women too! [[Would Not Hit a Girl|I prefer not to hit girls!]]}}
*** [[The Terminator|T-100,]] [[Shout -Out|you]] [[Unflinching Walk|can]] [[You Shall Not Pass|eat]] [[Beware the Nice Ones|your]] [[Curb Stomp Battle|gun.]] [[One-Man Army|Now.]]
*** Upon reading that page, this troper grinned from ear to ear (and in fact was going to post that moment here herself, but was glad to see that someone else a[[Incredibly Lame Pun|GREED]]). Or should I say, "Greened?" "Greedened?" Aw, never mind. You get the idea.
*** This troper can't be the only one who heard [[Disturbed (Music)|Disturbed]]'s "Indestructible" playing in his head when this happened.
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** {{spoiler|Al transmuting his soul for Ed's right arm}}, also a HUGE [[Tear Jerker]]. {{spoiler|And he does this as he's already falling apart because he shielded May from Father's psycho [[Beam Spam]].}} The poor kid never stops giving.
** {{spoiler|After getting his right arm back, Ed [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|GOES TO TOWN on Father]]; with the chapter ending on the same words he gave Cornello in chapter 1}}!
** Also, the Briggs soldiers. In an attempt to provide some support to the protagonists, they unload everything they have from small arms and mortars. Their response when Father doesn't even seem to be phased by their attacks? [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|They keep shooting.]]
** [http://www.mangareader.net/116-51515-2/full-metal-alchemist/chapter-107.html The cover pic] is likely the best one we're going to get. For bonus points, check around the edges, especially the upper right corner.
*** OH MY GOD. How the HELL did this troper miss that?!