Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)/Characters/Main: Difference between revisions

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== Edward "Ed" Elric ==
'''Affiliation:''' Amestris Military<br />'''Rank''': Major<br />'''Speciality:''' Martial-Arts/Weapon Alchemy/Alchemy Without an Array
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* [[Bishounen]]: Especially in ''Brotherhood''.
** Especially more so in May Cheng's fantasies of him.
** [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Blade Below the Shoulder]]: His iconic armblade.
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: And yet the ''main character''.
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* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Fan Service]]: Spends large amounts of time without a shirt on. And don't forget his shower scene.
* [[Generation Xerox]]: As flashback episodes ultimately show, he looks pretty much exactly like his father as a teenager, {{spoiler|who was also an alchemic prodigy tramuitized by human transmutation}}.
** Plus, according to a series of sketches of Ed aging done by Arakawa, he will look incredibly like his father by the time he gets to 40 or so.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Even with all of his good qualities, you can't deny that Ed can be a real asshole.
** [[Hair of Gold]]: Despite being an asshole, he's still a heroic guy.
* [[Grasp the Sun]]: Does this in two opening credits.
* [[Heroic Bastard]]: Despite living with his mom for years, his dad never actually married her.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Ed is the patron saint of this trope. If the slightest thing goes wrong, Ed goes spinning off into a BSOD.
* {{spoiler|[[Hot Dad]]: He becomes one in the [[Grand Finale]].}}
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* [[I Got Bigger]]: Somewhat. Goes from roughly 4' 10" when shown in the very beginning to about 5' 4" in the final battle a year later. Then once again to around 5' 9" in the epilogue, which is several years after that. A rare case in fiction of a teenager growing slowly in real time, slow enough in fact that you don't notice until you compare the differences over the course of thirty or so chapters. Amusingly enough, he only starts to grow once he stops complaining about how short he is.
* [[I Let Gwen Stacy Die]]/[[It's All My Fault]]: This occurs '''three times''' over the course of the series to poor Edward; Alphonse losing his body, Nina's death, and then {{spoiler|Hughes' death}}. In the case of Al's body, Ed completely blames himself to the point of {{spoiler|fearing that Alphonse resents him}}.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: Of Poirot-ean proportions.
* [[In the Blood]]: He can't stand his dad for abandoning his family and yet he abandons what constitutes ''his family'' in the way he shuts Winry and Pinako out of his life.
* [[The Ishmael]]: The story starts focusing on {{spoiler|Hohenheim much more than on Ed halfway through. It doesn't help that Hohenheim's connection to the plot and the [[Big Bad]] is more personal}}, whereas Ed just happened to stumble into it by accident while doing his own thing concerning his brother. This is also a subversion, since Ed ultimately proves just as important, if not more so, to the story's resolution than his {{spoiler|father.}}
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: This trope <s> more or less</s> defines Ed.
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** But {{spoiler|Al is still taller than him in the [[Babies Ever After]] photo, despite his body spending several years in an emaciated state. Ed just can't win...}}
* [[Nay Theist]]: Not only does he know for fact that God/Truth/Whatever He Calls Himself exists, his leg was stolen by it. That's the reason why his opinion of the guy is shit.
* [[Nom De Mom]]: He and Al are registered under their mother's last name.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Aaron Dismuke couldn't reprise the role thanks to hitting puberty.
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: At first.
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** {{spoiler|He also did this to Al and May (although it might have been unintentional) in chapter 104.}}
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: He loses his shirt so much that it's a wonder he [[Walking Shirtless Scene|bothers to wear one at all]].
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: With Al.
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Apparently decides he wants to marry Winry at a young age, goes through a long period of [[Cannot Spit It Out]] during which he never shows the slightest interest in another girl, and eventually {{spoiler|marries Winry.}}
* [[Suddenly Always Knew That]]: Apparently he can {{spoiler|turn himself into a philosopher's stone to destroy homunculi from inside}}.
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* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]: Most of what he makes through alchemy could look good in a Death Metal concert. Justified because he's a kid.
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: Absolutely refuses to kill people.
** [[Technical Pacifist]]
** [[Honor Before Reason]]: This trait nearly gets him killed against Kimblee.
{{quote|"Die?! You just don't know anything about Edward Elric!" }}
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== Alphonse "Al" Elric ==
'''Affiliation:''' None<br />'''Rank''': None<br />'''Speciality:''' Martial-Arts/Balanced Alchemy/Trap Alchemy/Alchemy without an Array
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{{quote|Voiced by: [[Rie Kugimiya]] (JP), [[Aaron Dismuke]] (EN - 2003 Anime), [[Maxey Whitehead]] (EN - 2009 Anime)}}
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: His blood seal is his one real weakness.
* [[Animated Armor]]
* [[Badass]]: Almost as much as his brother.
** {{spoiler|At the end of the story, with Hohenheim and Father gone and Ed's powers gone, Al is one of the most potentially powerful alchemists on the planet, alongside his teacher Izumi and Mustang, who added ''circleless alchemy'' to his already impressive alchemy skills.}}
* [[Badass Adorable]]: A sweet boy with a soft spot for kittens who is a living armor alchemist.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]
* [[Big Little Brother]]: He may be the youngest of the two protagonists, but his armour body makes him taller and more impressive than his older brother.
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* [[Child Mage]]
* [[Child Prodigy]]: Might be even better then his brother at alchemy.
* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: After blaming himself for the deaths of {{spoiler|Nina, Hughes and Martel}}, he seems unable to let anyone die, even if they're possible enemies and/or Al doesn't even know them.
* [[Corner of Woe]]: In contrast to his brother, making fun of Al's size or armor results in this.
* [[Cross-Dressing Voices]]: [[Averted]] in the dub of the first anime, where he was played by the then 12-year-old Aaron Dismuke. Played straight with [[Rie Kugimiya]] and [[Maxey Whitehead]].
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]: In his human body.
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: He's a [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]], and wanted to keep Shao May when he found her alone.
* [[Eye Lights Out]]: whenever Alphonse's soul is ''unconscious'', or being pulled over to the Gate, his eye-lights go out.
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* [[Eyes of Gold]]: His human body has them, though they're less gold and more olive-colored compared to Ed and Hohenheim.
* [[Extra Ore Dinary]]: His and Ed's alchemy specialty.
* [[Gentle Giant]]: He looks intimidating but he's much nicer than his brother.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: His metal body grants him greater than average strength which he uses in combo with his impressive alchemy.
* [[Glowing Mechanical Eyes]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]: His human body has it, though it's much darker than Ed's and borders on light brown.
* [[Heroic Bastard]]: like his brother.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Seeing as his blood seal was cracked, Ed had lost his right arm and Ed was pinned against a rock and about to have his life force drained by the Big Bad, ''he gives back his soul so that Ed could have his original right arm back''.}}
** {{spoiler|Thankfully he gets better when Ed comes back to claim him.}}
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** [[I Let Gwen Stacy Die]]: Feels responsible for the deaths of Nina, Martel and Hughes.
* [[Important Haircut]]
* [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]]: He hids them in his armor so Ed won't insist he abandon them.
* [[The Needless]]: He cannot eat or sleep and it brings him much sadness and frustration on his quest to get his body back, especially because he essentially spends his nights awake alone while his brother and everyone else close to him sleeps.
* [[Nice Guy]]: In contrast to his brother.
* [[Nom De Mom]]: He and Ed are registered under their mother's last name.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Aaron Dismuke couldn't reprise the role thanks to hitting puberty.
** But a [[Continuity Nod]] when he ''did'' do the voice of young Hohenheim in ''Brotherhood''.
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The blue to Edward's red. (One of two)
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: For Edward and Winry. "Brother is so youthful!"
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: With Ed.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: To a point that he's just as badass as ''Ed''!
* {{spoiler|[[Walking the Earth]]: At the end he goes east to Xing. Which Ed teases him for. }}
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== Van Hohenheim ==
'''Affiliation:''' None<br />'''Rank''': None<br />'''Speciality:''' Perfect Alchemy/Trap Alchemy/Immortality
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{{quote|Voiced by: [[Masashi Ebara]] (JP - 2003 Anime), [[Unsho Ishizuka]] (JP - 2009 Anime), [[Scott McNeil]] (EN - 2003 Anime), [[John Swasey]] (EN - 2009 Anime), [[Daisuke Namikawa]] (JP - Young), [[Aaron Dismuke]] (EN - Young)}}
* [[Animals Hate Him]]
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He looks like he should be teaching in some school, but he's one of two Perfect Alchemists in the series.
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]
* [[Bishonen]]: Revealed to be this before he grew a beard.
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* [[Everybody's Dead, Dave]]: The complete destruction of {{spoiler|Xerxes}}. To top it off, {{spoiler|at least in part [[Unwitting Pawn|it was his fault]]}}. No wonder he [[Big No|freaked out]].
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Hohopapa.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}} {{spoiler|he dies at Trisha's grave; the closest to a reunion he could make}}
* [[Hair Antennae]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]: As (one of two) [[Big Good]] it contrasts with the pale blonde of the [[Big Bad]].
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: The full name given to him by {{spoiler|Father}} is Theophrastus Bombastus van Hohenheim -- [[wikipedia:Paracelsus|the real name of famous real-world alchemist Paracelsus.]]
* [[Mind Hive]]: Subverted. {{spoiler|He has hundreds of thousands of Xerxian souls in him, but he is the dominant soul in the body. He has, however, managed to soothe all of the souls so they aren't consumed by despair and panic like souls in other Philosopher's Stones, and this allows them all to act with a singular purpose, as shown most prominently with the Umbral Circle failsafe.}}
* [[Mysterious Parent]]: We don't know much about him until later.
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]]: Thanks to his philosopher's stone its really hard to hurt him.
* [[Non-Action Guy]]: Despite his absurdly powerful alchemy and [[Nigh Invulnerability]], he flat out admits being a pretty poor fighter. This results in him duelling Father by exhibiting impressing alchemic powers while stumbling around trying to stay on his feet.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: He doesn't want passerbys to know his true nature so he downplays it.
* [[Opaque Lenses]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]: "Don't you EVER mock my SON!"
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* {{spoiler|[[Together in Death]]}}
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: {{spoiler|[[Brain In a Jar|The original Homunculus]] tricked him into helping to obliterate his own civilization.}}
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: So lonely and so depresssed over what happened in his past he was a [[Death Seeker]], and yet immortal.
== Winry Rockbell ==
'''Affiliation:''' None<br />'''Rank''': None<br />'''Speciality:''' Mechanic
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* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]
* [[Fan Service Pack]]: Her figure becomes appreciably more curvaceous and feminine throughout the time in which ''Brotherhood'' takes place. Justified in that she goes from [[She's All Grown Up|11 to 15-16]].
* [[Girl Next Door]]: Was this to Ed and Al growing up.
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Heartwarming Orphan]]: Downplayed as she still had her grandmother and the Elrics have more sympathetic trauma.
* [[He Is Not My Boyfriend]]: Thought not quite as, ah, ''vehement'' as Ed is about it, she is quick to tell Rose that Ed is her childhood friend when Rose looks as if she's about to assume something else.
* [[He Will Not Cry, So I Cry for Him]]: Winry does this for Ed and Al at first, until Ed asks her to stop as it only makes things harder for him. They agree the next time she cries for them they'll be tears of joy. [[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)/Heartwarming|D'aww...]]
* [[Hostage Situation]]: The brothers specifically admit she is their weak point, as the villains of the story have, unfortunately for her, figured out.
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* [[Love Epiphany]]: When she gets on the train back to Rush Valley after the Scar incident, she gives the matter a lot of thought and comes to the realization that she's been falling for Ed for a long time.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: The bath scene in Lior. Dear Lord, the bath scene... Her normal working attire top appears to be just a tube top bra as well.
* [[Mr. Fixit|Ms. Fixit]] Usually automail but other machines too.
* [[Plucky Girl]]: She's a lot more cheerful than the brothers, and just as brave.
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: Being an orphan, she admitted to feeling this way toward Lt. Colonel Hughes for her dad, {{spoiler|which made it all the sadder when he was killed}}.
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Makes cracks at {{spoiler|Al, regarding Mei}}.
* [[Shorttank]]
* [[Squee]]: When she gets to Rush Valley, oh boy does she go into fangirl mode!
* [[Tsundere]]: Type B; the more deredere variety. The only person she gets mad at is Ed.
* [[Vapor Wear]]: At least in the chapter where {{spoiler|Ed ''almost'' watches her undress}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Victorious Childhood Friend]]}}
* [[Wrench Wench]]: Page image! Never seen without a wrench and is the most skilled main character when it comes to machines.
* [[Wrench Whack]]: Her preferred method of punishing Ed (and on one occasion, Al) when he does something out of line, specifically [[Berserk Button|breaking the arm that she made for him]].
== Scar ==
'''Affiliation:''' Ishval (formerly)<br />'''Rank''': Monk (formerly)<br />'''Speciality:''' Destructive Alchemy/Alkahestry
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* {{spoiler|[[Dead Little Sister|Dead Older Brother]]}}
* [[Death Seeker]]: Implied, at least for a time. His goals seemed to be suicide by State Alchemist.
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: Hovered on the edge for a long time. He could only justify living with vengenace.
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: Averted. {{spoiler|Winry is willing to help Scar by treating his life-threatening injuries because it's what her parents would have done, but that doesn't mean she's forgiven him.}}
* [[Everybody's Dead, Dave]]: his refugee party {{spoiler|is wiped out by Kimblee.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: When May decides to start hanging around.}}
* {{spoiler|[[I Am Not Left-Handed|I Am Not Right-Handed]]}}: Hey Fuhrer, guess what. {{spoiler|I can RE-FUCKING-CONSTRUCT now too!!}}
* {{spoiler|[[Irony]]: Scar's quest for vengeance started because Amestrians slaughtered Scar's people. That quest ended with his working with Amestrians to save both peoples.}}
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: His victims include [[Complete Monster|Sho Tucker]] and Giolo Comanche (an unrepentant State Alchemist who served in Ishbal). He also goes up agains [[Ax Crazy|Kimblee]], {{spoiler|who would have killed the Rockbells if he had not}}.
* [[Life or Limb Decision]]: {{spoiler|When Scar lost his arm in a bomb attack, his brother replaced it with his own arm, and apparently bled to death in his place.}}
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*** And if you add the fact the younger brother is the better fighter and more physically imposing than the older in both cases, well I have no idea...
** Scar actually lampshades this about himself and Edward. {{spoiler|The fact that he did so to encourage Mustang not to become as bitter as them did not amuse Ed.}}
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]] / [[That Man Is Dead]]: He refuses to tell anyone what his real name is because he doesn't feel he deserves it anymore.
* {{spoiler|[[Overdrawn At the Blood Bank]]}}: After his [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
* [[Power Tattoo]]: The source of his alchemy.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Subverted; in this case his eye color indicates his belonging to an [[Last of His Kind|ethnic group that was nearly wiped out in a civil war]].
* {{spoiler|[[Redemption Earns Life]]}}: {{spoiler|He becomes a priest in the reforming Ishval, teaching the new generation about their people's culture alongside Miles.}}
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: How he's introduced.
* [[Say My Name]]: "KIIIIIIIIMBLEEEEEE!!!"
* ''[[Scary Black Man]]: [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Good]], [[God]].'' This guy becomes the State Alchemist's bogeyman!
* [[Serial Killer]]: {{spoiler|Until his [[Heel Face Turn]].}}
* [[The Stoic]]: Not big on talking.
* [[Survivor Guilt]]: He deals with it by killing state alchemists.
* [[Talking to Himself]]: In the 2009 Festival special, there was a skit where Kenta Miyake acted for both Scar and Garfiel. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[The Un-Reveal]]: {{spoiler|We never learned his real name!}}