Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)/Tropes A-F: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male]]: Nobody sees a problem with Winry beating Ed with a wrench whenever he pisses her off.
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: In a chapter in the manga and the corresponding episode in ''Brotherhood'', Winry walks into her room without noticing Edward already in there and starts undressing. By the time she realizes she's not alone, she's already uncovered some [[Underboobs]]. She almost goes ballistic on him (and everyone else who comes in hearing her scream).
** Watch it here. [https://web.archive.org/web/20140628052945/http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/eat-my-sandwich.html\]
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: Alphonse's blood seal. For Roy, being a fire alchemist, it's water, but only because it disables his spark glove. Since Roy's actual alchemy deals in flammable gases (like hydrogen), if you do drench him, [[Not So Harmless|you'd better pray he doesn't have a backup flame source, 'cause you just gave him a WHOLE lotta fuel for his alchemy.]]
* [[Action Girl]]: Hawkeye, [[Lady of War|Olivier]], Lan Fan, [[Little Miss Badass|May Chang]].
* [[Action Mom]]: Izumi.
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* [[Alchemy Is Magic]]: Although it's presented as a [[Sufficiently Analyzed Magic|science]], alchemy in this series is very much fantastical.
* [[All Deaths Final]]: Verified by Edward going off an offhand remark Hohenheim makes. Bringing back the dead via alchemy isn't just taboo, it's completely and utterly impossible, and any attempt to do so will result in a completely unrelated soul in a completely unrelated body. {{spoiler|Things that Truth takes don't qualify as "dead", however, which is how Ed can successfully get Alphonse's body back at the end.}}
* [[Alliterative Name]]: Edward Elric and Alex Armstrong.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: The omake comics have revealed a few things, such as how flame alchemy really works--by changing oxygen concentration in the air so the spark from the finger-snap explodes exactly where and as big as needed. Of course, the technique's [[Mundane Utility]] is also revealed--making women swoon due to oxygen poisoning so Mustang can [[Falling Into His Arms|catch them]] and easily woo them.
* [[Alternate Character Reading]]:
** The reading "Homunculus" (ホムンクルス) has been written as both "[[Artificial Human]]" (人造人間) and "the little one in the flask" (フラスコの中の小人). Fun fact: {{spoiler|BOTH ARE TRUE.}}
** The "Milos" in [[The Movie]]'s title is written as "hill of grief" (嘆きの丘).
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* [[Anachronism Stew]]: The series is set in the early 20th century... with mechanical prosthetics that are ''far'' more advanced than anything we have now. They don't seem to have advanced nearly as much in terms of technology in other areas, depending on whether you want Amestris to be pre-first-world-war or pre-second-world-war Germany. Of course, everything more advanced in this world is only due to Alchemy, and there appears to be an even gap between technological progress and magical progress.
** [[Fridge Logic]] points out that pharmaceuticals ought to be, as a result, on a par with (either) time period in [[Real Life]], except it doesn't seem to be so. [[Fridge Brilliance]], however, would like us to note that modern pharmaceuticals branched out from alchemy pretty much purely from the works of Paracelsus. {{spoiler|Hello, Hohenheim.}}
** Also, not severely glaring or anything but given the distinctly European setting, it's slightly unusual that there are characters named "Izumi", "Yoki", "Hakuro", and "Hayate".
* [[Ancient Conspiracy]]: Oh so much. Turns out that {{spoiler|even the very creation of Amestris and modern alchemy were all part of Father's 450 year plan}}.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: The fate of {{spoiler|the human souls used to make the Philosopher's Stone}}.
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* [[Anime Chinese Girl]]: May
* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: The homunculi each personify one of the Seven Deadly Sins. It's eventually revealed that {{spoiler|Father created them by giving them a portion of his personality, and that they are named after the "sin" they are created from}}.
** It's curious to note that whilst Envy (in the end), Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Gluttony and Greed (''especially'' Greed) all show their namesake sin in their personality, Lust never really shows any Lust...
*** Gluttony shows just as much, if not more, signs of his namesake sin than Greed. His catchphrase is even "Can I eat him/her/it now?" Lust might not be as blatant as some of the other sins, but there is a reason why she is one of the hottest characters.
*** Lust does show her sin, but it's not the type of lust most people think of: it's ''bloodlust''.
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** From the manga, people started calling {{spoiler|the second Greed "Greedling"}} to tell him apart from {{spoiler|the original Greed in conversation, and because the human used to create him was called Ling}}. When Ed meets him again, he decides he's going to call him this.
* [[Assimilation Plot]]: What the higher-ups at Central take Father's scheme to be.
* [[The Atoner]]: Dr. Marcoh, Mustang, Hawkeye... in fact, many of the characters who were part of the Ishval war and regret what happened. Also Ed and Al, after their attempt of the taboo. And Scar. Redemption is a major theme of the story.
* [[Author Appeal]]: Hiromu Arakawa thinks men should be muscular and big, and women should be bosomy and curvy. That probably won't surprise anyone. The Armstrong siblings (with the exception of those two sisters who look like Alex) exemplify this principle.
** Even Edward isn't immune; despite his height problems, the guy's ''massively'' ripped, though not quite the level of Armstrong. But still enough to make him smoking.
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== B ==
* [[Back for the Finale]]: {{spoiler|Maria Ross}}.
* [[Badass]]: [[World of Badass|Ed, Al, Scar, Roy, Riza, Greed, Izumi, Sig, Olivier, Wrath, Hughes, Ling, Lan Fan, Fu, Lust, Armstrong...]] Chapter 96 confirms that the [[Battle Couple|Curtis couple]] is the most badass of all.
** Bradley gets a special mention. It took {{spoiler|ninety-nine}} chapters for someone to wound him. In chapter 97 he effortlessly destroys a {{spoiler|freaking tank}} ''while armed with only a sword and a single grenade''. [[Badass Grandpa|And he's over]] ''[[Badass Grandpa|60]]''.
** Hohenheim is confirmed to be so in {{spoiler|chapter 105}} where it's revealed he managed to [[Out-Gambitted|outgambit]] {{spoiler|Father}}. This makes him a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] [[Badass]].
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** [[Badass Bookworm]]: The whole concept of being an Alchemist.
** [[Badass Family]]: Ed and his brother and his father are all talented alchemists. Also the homunculi and Father are related to them by blood so one can say that all of Hohenheim's family is Badass.
*** The Armstrong family is also comprised entirely of [[Badass|badasses]]. Alexander Louis Armstrong is positively ripped, and can even hold his own against Sloth for a good while. Olivier Mira Armstrong is a no-nonsense general who shows no sympathy for physical or emotional weakness in others, and will straight-up murder your ass if you threaten her underlings. And little innocent Catherine can [[Killer Rabbit|lift a piano with ''one hand'']].
** [[Badass Grandpa]]: Fu, most definitely.
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: Mustang tends to clean up nicely in a snazzy period suit when not in uniform, but the prize goes to Kimblee, easily being the symbolic [[Man in White]] in manga and anime with his pristine all-white suit, [[Badass Longcoat]], [[Fedora of Asskicking]] and [[Real Men Wear Pink|pink]] [[Scarf of Asskicking]].
** [[Badass Long Hair]]: Ed certainly qualifies. As do Hohenheim, Ling, Lanfan, Izumi, Riza, Olivier, Miles, Kimblee, and even mohawk-sporting Buccaneer. You'd actually be hard-pressed to find a character in this series with long hair who ISN'T badass.
*** Long hair in FMA:B/manga = badass! Nuff said.
** [[Badass Mustache]]: Alex Louis Armstrong and Fuhrer Bradley.
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*** {{spoiler|It's now been outright confirmed by [[Word of God]] in the third art book.}}
** Ling fights alongside [[Bodyguard Crush|Lanfan]] with spectacular results, but like with the aforementioned Roy and Riza, the "couple" part is complicated.
* [[Beary Cute]]: Xiao-Mei (aka "Shao May") is the small pet panda of May Chang, as well as her trusty traveling companion. Despite being so little, she is rather protective of May and often mimics May's actions.
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Ed and Winry.
** Averted with Roy and Riza, who are nearly always respectful, professional and conscientious towards one another, with the occasional very small, very subtle nod to their past.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Ed if you insult his height or threaten Winry, and a lesser [[Berserk Button]] when people mistake Al for Fullmetal Alchemist (due to obvious reasons); Winry whenever Ed damages his automail.
** Talking about Al's soul being affixed to armor like it's the coolest thing in the world is ''not'' a conversation to have with Ed. ''[[Unstoppable Rage|It will end badly]]''.
Line 128 ⟶ 129:
** Harming [[Four-Star Badass|Olivier's]] subordinates is [[A Father to His Men|an even]] [[Mama Bear|worse idea.]]
** Harming [[Papa Wolf|Hohenheim's]] kids is the worst idea, ever. Hell, just insulting his kids is sending you straight into an asskicking.
** Don't call Envy "Ugly". You'll just make him/her angry, and you won't like him/her when s/he's angry.
** Izumi Curtis will murder you multiple times if you dare to call her "old", "hag", or anything of the sort.
*** Calling her "cute", "my pretty", etc. in front of her husband is [[Papa Wolf|not less]] [[Curb Stomp Battle|dangerous]].
Line 138 ⟶ 139:
** Don't [[Stuff Blowing Up|look down on Kimblee.]]
** [[Action Girl|Lan Fan]] if you insult/belittle/threaten [[Bodyguard Crush|Ling]].
** Similarly (though perhaps less explosively) telling Ling his underlings or anyone else he cares about are [[We Have Reserves|expendable]] will ensure you an angry Xingese prince.
*** Same for Greed, as a matter of fact. {{spoiler|Which at least partly explains why they made such a good body-sharing tandem.}}
** Y'know what? Just don't even look funny at ''ANYONE''. That's probably the only way to avoid an asskicking.
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* [[Berserker Tears]]: {{spoiler|Oh, ''Ling''. T_T}} Hawkeye when {{spoiler|Lust says she killed Mustang.}}
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: After {{spoiler|Shou Tucker transmutes his dog and daughter into a talking chimera}}, Ed beats the ever-living crap out of him and Al has to stop his brother from killing him with his bare hands. {{spoiler|Tucker}} takes this chance to gloat about having to dirty your hands to get things done. [http://www.mangareader.net/116-5191-33/full-metal-alchemist/chapter-5.html Al doesn't take to this very lightly.] Considering his status as a [[Gentle Giant]] [[Genius Bruiser]] [[Badass Bookworm]], this isn't exactly the smart thing to do.
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: Defied. You '''cannot''' {{spoiler|beat [[Equivalent Exchange]]}}, no matter what you do.
** {{spoiler|Not that will stop Ed and Al from [[Walking the Earth]] to do research into finding a new law at the end of the series, of course}}.
** Played straight with Kimblee near the end. {{spoiler|maintaining his conscious after assimilation by Pride, and then holding him back from fleeing his body. The former alone is stated to be impossible and demonstrated as such by Father.}}
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* [[Board to Death]]: An event during the Ishval war described in flashback by both Barry the Chopper and Dr. Marcoh. A group of members working for the [[Armies Are Evil|Army]] were involved in the operation to make a miniature philosopher's stone for combat use. When they went to the meeting to set this plan into operation, they provided [[Metaphysical Fuel|the ingredients]] for [[Powered by a Forsaken Child|the stone]]. {{spoiler|Dr. Marcoh was the one who carried this out.}}
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: Pretty much outright stated with Lan Fan and Ling. Strongly hinted at with Roy and Riza.
** No, it's [[Everyone Can See It|pretty damn obvious]] for them too.
* [[Body Horror]]: {{spoiler|Envy}} can take advantage of this. His {{spoiler|ultimate form}} consists primarily of masses upon masses of {{spoiler|human bodies he otherwise compresses within him}}, which explains his ludicrous density and weight. Oh, and he's remarkably sloppy with them, too. If he bites down on his "tongue" a little too quickly, the pieces will go flying off.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: {{spoiler|Barry}} is the dark side of this in the manga, along with [[Ax Crazy]] and a dose of [[Heroic Sociopath]].
Line 212 ⟶ 213:
** How could anyone forget Rose? She hoped and prayed that Father Cornello could bring her boyfriend back, and the Elric brothers proved her wrong. Good thing it happened that soon and not later...
* [[Break Them by Talking]]: The Homunculi positively love doing this, especially Envy, Lust, and Wrath.
** Kimblee, being a [[The Sociopath|sociopathic]], [[Mad Bomber]] of a [[The Philosopher|philosopher]], gives out a fair share of his own to various characters.
*** More than anyone in this series. Kimblee always, ALWAYS has the last word in any philosophcal/moral debate, shutting up even the main protagonists. The only way anyone manages to quiet him down is to {{spoiler|''rip his throat out''}}. But wait! {{spoiler|even when [[Dying Moment of Awesome|DEAD]] he manages to deliver one last brain-breaking statement to Pride that leads to his utter defeat. Take that!}}
** {{spoiler|Envy [[Talking the Monster to Death|had his taste of]] [[Death by Irony|his own medicine in the end]]}}.
Line 228 ⟶ 229:
** ''Full of weapons.''
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Yoki. Every scene after his intro is comic abuse. Well, [[Moment of Awesome|''almost'' every scene]]
== C ==
* [[Call Back]]: In the final chapter, Ed and Al tell their reasons for {{spoiler|searching for another rule to replace Equivalent Exchange and going wandering again}}, and there's only two. To repay all their friends' kindness, and because neither of them ''ever'' forgot about how {{spoiler|not being able to save Nina}} felt.
** Something of a minor one, but in Episode 33 Scar stabs Kimblee in the stomach with a pole. Kimblee gives an inspiring rant about how being close to death is exhilarating for killers. Less than a dozen episodes later, {{spoiler|Kimblee blows up the building he and Ed are fighting, and Ed winds up getting stabbed in the same place with a girder. He uses his soul as a philosophers' stone to heal it, saying that if he's going to show mercy he'd better get used to paying the price.}}
* [[Calling the Old Man Out]]: Ed to Hohenheim.
Line 241:
* [[Car Fu]]: ''[[Dirty Coward|Yoki]]'' gets a [[Moment of Awesome|CMOA]] when he uses a car to {{spoiler|ram [[Eldritch Abomination|Pride]], saving several people in the process.}}
* [[Casting Gag]]: Aaron Dismuke, who voiced Al in the [[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|2003 anime]] returns as the voice of {{spoiler|Young!Hohenheim}}.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: The Philosopher's Stone is a variation{{spoiler|, allowing transmutations to be powered by nothing more than the human souls stored within.}} Ed later uses what he's learned to sap at his own lifespan to heal mortal wounds.
* [[Cast of Snowflakes]]: Arakawa is practically the manga queen of this trope.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: One that has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations.
** It's not even exclusive to the Major. Olivier also uses it, after Sloth kills the officer she'd been keeping hostage:
{{quote|'''Olivier:''' Hmpf... I suppose I should be grateful to you, homunculus. You spared me from having to stain, with the blood of that coward, this cherished blade that has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations!}}
Line 285:
* [[Child Soldiers]]: Ed became a "dog of the military" at age 12 and could be sent to the front any time. Later on, {{spoiler|he's called out to "do his duty" by Kimblee. He doesn't take it well, partly because Kimblee's using Winry as a hostage to force his cooperation}}.
** Al can count considering his young age, but he's only a fence example considering he isn't a part of it. Still he's usually dragged along with his brother on whatever adventures they're in, putting them in the same sort of dangers and having both of them experience the same traumas.
* [[The Clan]]: Of the Xingese Royal Family, which apparently has 43 heirs, Ling and May included, who seem to all be willing to tear each other to shreds over who will inherit the empire.
* [[Clark Kenting]]: Riza lets her hair down and wears glasses when she has to go incognito. It's surprisingly effective, actually. {{spoiler|Except against Wrath's Ultimate Eye.}}
Line 295:
* [[Code Name]]: Every state alchemist gets one. It's where the series gets its title -- Fullmetal is Ed's code name. The Homunculi also have code names of sorts, though not all of them are stated in-series (Wrath is the Ultimate Eye, Greed is the Ultimate Shield, and Lust is the Ultimate Lance).
* [[Colonel Badass]]: Roy Mustang. So much so that when word gets out that he's coming to the front lines, his ''allies'' [[Bring My Brown Pants|need brown pants.]]
* [[ColourColor-Coded for Your Convenience]]: Masterfully inverted during the Ishval flashback in ''Brotherhood'', where [[Deliberately Monochrome|everything is depicted in monochrome]] except for the characters' eye color. In this flashback, though, the Amestrians, who were the attacking party, had blue eyes, while the Ishvalans, who were the victims, all have red eyes.
* [[Compliment Backfire]]: It's more like gentle teasing, but you'd think [[Urban Legend Love Life|a suave guy like Mustang]] could pull it off...
{{quote|'''Roy:''' But wow, this place brings back memories, Lieutenant. It reminds me of your crying face. I'd like to see honest tears like that from you again someday.
'''Riza:''' I thought you despised liquids. Since they make you useless.
''(Mustang [[Sweat Drop|sweatdrops]])''. }}
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: Used liberally; especially noticeable in {{spoiler|Envy}}'s true form.
** {{spoiler|And in episode 61, where all the souls are returned to their bodies.}}
* [[Continuity Nod]]: A long time after he died, the remains of Barry The Chopper are still there under research lab #3 when the coup de'tat and the attack on Father begin. Darius even fights with his trademark cleaver.
Line 332:
* [[Custom Uniform]]: Partially averted, since most people in the military seem to conform to their uniform, even the tippity-top brass, with the exception of the titular character: Ed seems to be able to get away with a red cloak. The only means of identifying him as part of the military is his pocketwatch.
** Then again, the same goes for Tucker and Kimblee (except in the flashbacks). Presumably the rules are a little more flexible for State Alchemists.
*** It seems more to do with combat status. Characters in the military wear the official uniform when involved in combat operations (or on or near the front lines in the Ishbal flashbacks). Ed, Tucker and so on can get away with not wearing the official uniform because they're not involved in a combat situation. Sort of [[Fridge Brilliance]] when you remember what the main purpose of uniforms is. Kimblee is actually ex-military (considering he killed his commanding officers) so he's no longer really able to wear the uniform.
* [[Cut the Fuse]]: Bradley stops Fuu's [[Taking You with Me]] attempt with bombs strapped to his stomach by doing this, in addition to slicing Fuu's stomach.
* [[Cute Bruiser]]: May, master of alkahestry (Xingese alchemy).
Line 362:
** Pride {{spoiler|was [[Break the Haughty|broken brutally, psychologically and physically, by some of the humans he so despised.]] While he doesn't die, his prideful personality vanishes and he is humbled by living as a human.}}
** {{spoiler|Greed (second model) pulls a [[Taking You with Me]] on Father, and, while acknowledging that he hasn't gotten "everything in the world", is willing to sacrifice himself for his friends who have "given him enough", finally feeling content with what he has. Father then finishes off Greed, the Homunculus with the potentially most durable body, by biting him in half.}}
** Father {{spoiler|is destroyed from the inside by Greed after trying to re-power himself with his Stone, and then is taken out by Ed with a punch. He ends up at the Gate and encounters Truth, and then it sentences him to an [[And I Must Scream]] within the Gate from whence he came.}}
* [[Death by Origin Story]]: Trisha Elric, {{spoiler|Mr. Hawkeye, the Rockbells, Scar's family, most Ishvalans, and all but one of the Xerxians.}}
* [[Death Glare]]: The Fuhrer, {{spoiler|Alex Armstrong}}, and Mustang.
Line 381:
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: {{spoiler|Father eats [[God|the Truth.]]}}
** {{spoiler|And then Ed punches him in the face. Repeatedly.}} And it is [[Moment of Awesome|AWESOME]].
* [[Diesel PunkDieselpunk]]
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: Hohenheim
** {{spoiler|[[Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You]]: Sort of. He was looking for a way to die with Trisha, and counter Father.}}
Line 389:
'''Roy:''' No. He knows the fear and despair of being left alone... He wouldn't put Alphonse through that. }}
** It may not be the case as Arakawa stated that she enjoyed the first anime's ending.
** These are all over the place if you look. For example, the fact that Selim, Bradley's {{spoiler|possible [[Morality Pet]]}} in the first anime {{spoiler|turns out to be the one pulling BRADLEY'S strings}}. Or how the manga deliberately goes back to show that dead people can't be brought back to life.
* [[Disney Death]]: {{spoiler|Just about EVERYONE IN AMESTRIS (minus a few major characters) have their souls absorbed by Father during his ascension. Fortunetly, they just absorbed rather then killed outright, and Hohenheim (having seen this coming) managed to ressurect everyone with no ill effects beyond some mild trauma.}}
* [[Dude in Distress]] For a hypercompetent hero with scientific/magical powers and two artificial limbs, Ed sure gets helplessly pinned an awful lot.
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* [[Doesn't Like Guns]]: Ed.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: [[Word of God|The author]] has commented that the whole Ishval situation was inspired by the plight of the Ainu people, which is unsurprising given that she's from Hokkaido.
** Most Western fans have little to no clue of who the Ainu people are, or their relation to Ishvalans. Ironically, though, they notice a strong (but likely accidental) resemblance to the Islamic peoples of the Middle East (single god, desert-dwelling, very traditional yet advanced culture and a reverence for not messing with "God's creations"), and given that Amestris [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|seems pretty well based on a certain European power]] and the time period of the show [[World War OneI|(self-proclaimed to be in the 19-teens)]], it's very easy to see why everyone west of the Ganges would come to that conclusion.
*** Not only Westerners. Interestingly enough, track #20 of the second ''Brotherhood'' OST, ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-nCtkY-43E Land of Ishvala]'', has a decidedly Oriental/Arabic tone.
** She has also said she gets ideas from befriending people in complicated personal situations, like disabled people, war refugees, and (wait for it) a former [[Yakuza]]. The similarity between {{spoiler|Riza's concern for hiding her tattoo}} and the social stigma a bearer of Yakuza tattoos has to endure in Japan is actually made fun of in a [[Omake|yonkoma]].
** If you look at Maes Hughes' grave, the date of his death is 1914. 1914... [[Sarcasm Mode|now where have I heard that date before?]] The situation of the country goes downhill from there really fast. Soon Amestris (or at least the part Ed and Al visit) seems to have collapsed into war. Sound like [[World War OneI]] to anyone else? ...And would that make Hughes Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
** [[Glorious Mother Russia|Glorious Mother Drachma?]]
** The scene in [[The Movie|The Sacred Star of Milos]] where {{spoiler|Atlas}} tries to take Julia's blood has some very rape-y overtones.
* [[The Dog Was the Mastermind]]: The Homunculus Pride is {{spoiler|[[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|little Selim Bradley]]}}. In fairness, the biggest clue to his identity is his speech patterns in the original Japanese, [[Lost in Translation|which wouldn't get through to an American reader]]. One translator did pick up on this [[I Knew It!|and correctly predicted his identity]].
* [[Don't Look Back]]: Ed and Al burn down their house as a reminder to never turn back until they can get back to normal. Ed even keeps the date etched into his pocket watch.
* [[Double Entendre]]: The homunculus named Lust is also referred to as the Ultimate Lance. (She's a woman, but I mean ''come on!'')
** ''[[Incredibly Lame Pun|Come on?]]''
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* [[Dramatic Wind]]: what every opening and closing credit sequence is filmed in.
* [[Dreadlock Rasta]]: Izumi Curtis.
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: One can make a strong case about Envy, whose usual form looks perfectly female but for its obvious booblessness
** In a troubling scene in a recent chapter, Envy {{spoiler|does a Gracia impression to taunt Roy about how he killed Maes}} and, with his usual body language... looks like a male transvestite.
** [[Word of God]] stated that Envy's gender is ambiguous, even to Envy. Many fans take this to mean that Envy is genderless. May be a justification for the {{spoiler|fetus-like look}} of Envy's abhorrent ''true'' true form.
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*** Ling {{spoiler|becoming Greed has ''nothing'' on the emotional impact of [[Tear Jerker|losing him again.]]}}
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: Averted quite nicely for the most part, especially with {{spoiler|Scar, who is never actually forgiven for his actions at all. He is, however, given the chance to seek redemption at the end, but whether he achieved it or not is, as they say, another story.}}
* [[Easter Egg]]: A character keeps popping in the manga and the anime by the name of Mobuo Mobuta. [https://web.archive.org/web/20120622172913/http://www.westgatecentral.net/wiki/index.php5?title=Mobuta This page] accounts some of the page appearances he's been in.
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: Hohenheim, maybe. Also Bradley acts very similar to this until the Greed arc, at which point he changes completely.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: {{spoiler|Father}}, perhaps most explicitly portrayed during the events of Chapter 104.
Line 437:
* [[Episode Title Card]]
* [[Equivalent Exchange]]: [[Trope Namer]] and the foundation of Alchemy.
* [[Esoteric Motifs]]:
** [[Ouroboros]]: All the homunculi have Ouroboros tattoos. We still haven't seen where Pride's is, though. Ed, Al and Izumi sport the Flamel.
** The symbol for Amestris (as seen in its flag, other banners and military badges) is a white dragon, a figure often associated with Arthurian legend and some mythical tales in Asia. The dragon is also engraved in all State Alchemists' pocket watches, circumscribed by a hexagram, which is also a well-known religious symbol.
Line 448:
** Greed himself serves as a counterpart to Bradley, as he too values the existence of his underlings {{spoiler|and as stated before becomes the only other human-based homunculus}}
** Scar is a counterpart to Bradley, being a devoutly religious ex-monk who was a victim in the civil war that atheistic Bradley led and, like Bradley, a warrior without a true name.
** Even Roy has his parallels with Bradley due to his [[A Father to His Men]] nature and desire to become Fuhrer to better Amestris.
*** Another parallel is that Fuhrer Bradley's first name is King and Mustang's first name, Roy means "King" in French.
* [[Evil-Detecting Dog]]: Den growls at Hohenheim, although that is a subversion since he isn't evil. Possibly he senses that Hohenheim {{spoiler|isn't altogether human}}.
** Animals reacting badly on the Promised Day.
Line 458:
* [[Evil Costume Switch]]: After {{spoiler|Ling becomes Greed, he drops his Xingese-styled clothes in favor of an all-black suit and a [[Badass Longcoat]]. Subverted in that it didn't stay as "'''''Evil''''' Costume Switch" [[Heel Face Turn|for long]]}}.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: Subverted. Everybody assumes Al is the Fullmetal Alchemist because he's wearing a giant metal suit.
* [[Expressive Mask]]: Played with a bit. Al's face doesn't move, of course (outside of humorous moments), but things like rain, light and shadow are often used to give emotion to his face. Also, when drawn in [[Super-Deformed|"chibi"]] style, his face can be more flexible.
** Same with Barry the Chopper.
* [[Expy]]: Jean Havoc's characterization and design originates from an earlier Arakawa manga, ''[[Shanghai Youma Kikai]]'', along with those of Lust.
Line 470:
** The process of {{spoiler|Bradley becoming a homunculus}} cause his eye to ''melt''.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Ed, and also Al before he got stuck in his [[Animated Armor]]. {{spoiler|They got it from their dad, and it's a sign that they're ethnically Xerxesian.}}
== F ==
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* [[Family-Unfriendly Death]]: {{spoiler|Solf J. Kimblee's, although slightly averted due to his soul being incorporated by Pride before actual death. In the ''Brotherhood'' anime, after having his throat ripped out by chimera Heinkel, Kimblee's dying gasps for breath is a horrifying mix of oxygen-deprivation and drowning in his own blood. The sound is ''disturbingly'' realistic in its portrayal by Kimblee's seiyuu [[Hiroyuki Yoshino]].}}
* [[Fandom Nod]]: 503 as shorthand for Ed/Winry shipping, {{spoiler|Ed calling the new Greed "Gree(d)ling"}}.
** {{spoiler|Pride attempting [[Grand Theft Me]] on Ed may be a nod to ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist : Bluebird's Illusion|Bluebird's Illusion]]'', where Ed is made into the homunculus Pride.}}
* [[Fan Service]]: Lust and Winry's [[Stripperiffic|skimpy outfits]]; Ed, Ling and Armstrong's constant [[Shirtless Scene|shirtlessness]]. Several gratuitous bath/shower scenes, for Riza, Winry and Ed. The opening to season five, in which a very clearly maturing Ed is asleep and looking downright ''beautiful'', may also count.
** Though to be fair, Armstrong's shirtlessness may count as [[Fan Disservice]].
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** Also [[Playing with a Trope|played with]] with {{spoiler|Hohenheim}}, who gets shot repeatedly just after showing his family picture to a young mother but {{spoiler|is near-invincible and technically immortal}}.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: The people of Xerxes who {{spoiler|became disembodied, dehumanised souls making up Envy's true form}}.
** Also, {{spoiler|1=Father/Homunculus, in chapter 108}}. But then again, [[Complete Monster|it wouldn't be a satisfying ending with anything less]].
* [[A Father to His Men]]: Roy Mustang is a prime example. Olivier also counts, if not for the fact that the "[[Everything Is Worse With Bears|Briggs Bears]]" [[Badass Army|can hold up on their own.]] But when they ''really'' need her assistance, Olivier can be a really ''terrifying'' [[Mama Bear]] [[A Worldwide Punomenon|To Her Men]].
** Ling qualifies, though he's royalty rather than military personnel. He's got a really protective streak when it comes to his bodyguards.
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** A particularly emotional one (if you know the whole story, potentially making it [[Fridge Brilliance]]/[[Fridge Logic]]) is depicted in the second opening sequence of Brotherhood, when {{spoiler|Mustang battles Lust}}. In the manga, {{spoiler|Mustang brutalizes Lust by constantly scorching her with the aid of a transmutation circle carved '''''on the back of his own freakin' hand''''', until he finally [[Deader Than Dead|kills her off for real]]}}. These events take place in episode 19 of Brotherhood.
** An especially chilling example appears in Episode 9's [[Post Episode Trailer]], featuring a 3-second shot of a certain [[Disconnected by Death|phone booth]]...
*** Also one that's basically an in-series [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]. During his fight with Lan Fan, Ed defeats her by leaving his automail arm as a decoy/booby trap. He explains that he got the idea from a common trick in hunting. {{spoiler|Later on, Lan Fan eludes Wrath who's trying to kill her by [[Life or Limb Decision|chopping off her own (REAL!) arm as a decoy]]}}.
**** Could be this troper looking too much into things, but when Edward and the first Greed's battle is interrupted by the arrival of the military, Greed's words when he leaves are "See you later, kid," not "Goodbye." He gets killed soon after that, but {{spoiler|comes back ... he really does see Edward "later."}}
**** Think that's looking too much into things? Try asking yourself why [[Defector From Decadence|Marcoh]] calls the [[Philosopher's Stone]] "[[Satan|the Devil]]'s research".
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** When callously rejecting the Ishvalan leader's offer to take his own life and spare those of his people, King Bradley is told by one of the leader's envoys that he shall suffer the hammer of God. {{spoiler|[[Dark and Troubled Past|Guess]] [[Church Militant|who]] [[I Am Not Left-Handed|kills him]].}}
* [[Forgotten Fallen Friend]]: Averted '''''hard''''' in Chapter 108, when Al reveals that he and Ed ''never'' forgot about their inability to save Nina, referring to an incident that occured 102 chapters ago and ''three years ago'' in-story. Major [[Tear Jerker]] when one of the chimeras asks his motivation for his journey of [[Walk the Earth|roaming the land]] seeking to right the wrongs done by alchemy. His simple reply is, "...There was a little girl that we weren't able to save."
* [[Four -Philosophy Ensemble]]: Roy as Cynic, Ed as Optimist, Riza as Realist, Al and Winry as Conflicted.
* [[Four-Star Badass]]: Olivier, Bradley.
* [[Freak-Out]]: A massive one in Scar's [[Backstory]]. {{spoiler|He wakes up with [[Body Horror|his brother's arm]] and (understandably) completely loses it, killing [[Innocent Bystander|Winry's parents in the process]]. The priest who was a wise, humanist and [[Martial Pacifist]] man becomes [[He Who Fights Monsters|a serial killer driven by revenge]]}}.
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