Funny Aneurysm Moment/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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** It's entirely possible, considering the '''''massive''''' [[Executive Meddling]] that was happening in [[Warner Bros]].' cartoons at that point in time, that this is a veiled [[Take That]] at someone's boss.
** Part of the theme itself could be considered a Funny Aneurysm Moment, given the show turned out to be [[Too Good to Last]]:
{{quote| ''He's here to save the nation,''<br />
''so stay tuned to this station!''<br />
''If not'' '''''we'll be unemployed''''' ''(shot of everyone in the cast in [[Bankruptcy Barrel|BankruptcyBarrels]])''<br />
'''Freakazoid, Freakazoid!'' }}
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** In "Bill, Bulk, and the Body Buddies" one of the body builders flexes and has a pulsing vein in his arm, causing Luanne to scream that the guy's arm is having a heart attack. Said body builder was voiced by Macho Man Randy Savage, who died of a heart attack (well, a car accident caused by him having one, but it still counts).
* In one episode of ''Men in Black: The Series'', Agent Kay loses his memory of everything past the age of 16. Trying to convince Kay of what's happened, Jay asks, "What's the tallest building in New York?". Kay responds with "Empire State Building", thinks Jay is lying about this 'World Trade Center' and runs outside...where the Twin Towers dominate the skyline. [ Later, the agents are on an out-of-control airship...]
{{quote| '''Jay:''' Hey, Slim! Remember those twin towers?<br />
'''Kay:''' What about 'em?<br />
'''Jay:''' ''[Over an ominous shot of the blimp heading towards Tower Two]'' I don't think they're going to be so tall anymore! }}
** Given what Wikipedia said, this episode is no longer shown in US broadcasts due to what's said above.
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* [[The Jetsons]] got a lot of mileage out of George complaining about his "button finger" after being forced to push buttons at work all day (Instead of doing "real work" by the standards of the era it was made in). Now that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a real and painful condition, it doesn't seem as amusing.
* In an episode of [[Batman Beyond]] made in 1999, "Mind Games", Terry/Batman is receiving some history tutoring from Maxine. Trying to remember the presidents:
{{quote| '''Terry McGinnis:''' Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton... I don't know.<br />
'''Max Gibson:''' Come on. Clinton was the fun one, then came the boring one.<br />
'''Terry McGinnis:''' They're ''all'' boring. }}
** This probably still counts as a [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]] with maybe a dash of [[Hilarious in Hindsight]], but there were quite a few gags around 1999-2000 about how an incredibly boring president was going to follow Clinton...meaning Al Gore, who most people thought was a shoo-in to take the 2000 election.
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* [[The Gary Coleman Show]] following the actor's death. Seeing him play a (cartoon) angel is just a little...twisted.
* Viewers of [[The Venture Brothers]] who were shocked at 24's death and subsequent haunting of 21 might feel a little uneasy at this exchange in "Fallen Arches."
{{quote| '''24:''' Boo!<br />
'''21:''' (Jumps) DUDE! I almost killed you! }}
* In the one Hey Arnold episode where the city gets flooded, it ends with Principal Wartz staying behind on the roof of the school with a guitar and a sombrero opting to "go down with his ship". He then starts singing "Way Down Yonder in New Orleans".