Gameplay and Story Segregation: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones|Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones]]'', a support conversation between Garcia and Dozla has the two talking about their failed attempt to practice archery, including Dozla trying to swing his bow like an axe, and Garcia putting the arrow in backwards. The two decide archery isn't for them. This is ignoring that it's very possible that Garcia promoted to a Warrior by this point, and can use a bow quite competently.
=== [[Turn- Based Tactics]] ===
* ''[[X-COM]]: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense'' intro has Mutons appear as drop troops, apparently [[Screaming Warrior|like shouting]] when they attack and generally make a great "Space Orc" impression with those fangs and green suits, then leave by somehow being "beaming"beamed outup" [[Star Trek]] style,. andThey Mutonwere commanderled whoby apparentlya likesbossy shoutingMuton in red uniform. In the game,? allAll action is contained in the map -, there's no retreat except for X-Com troopers if they'll make it back to the transport. AndMutons don't scream other than when dying. "Mr. Angry Red Suit", as calls him, does not appear - there are only Muton Soldier, Navigator and Engineer, -but no Leaders or Commanders, because Mutons serve the Ethereals.
** Naturally, modders had to [ go and try to fix it], adding the Muton Commander - at least for OpenXcom.
=== [[Wide Open Sandbox]] ===