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* #StopGamerGate20XX
** ''Explanation:'' In reference to the ''#StopGamerGate2014'' hashtag, an anti-GG attempt on social media back in 2014 to denounce GG as a reactionary, misogynistic movement. Not only did it fail to last, but in time it became a mocking shorthand for how GG is supposed to collapse ''any'' day now.
* "Listen and Believe."
** ''Explanation:'' In the 2014 XOXO Festival held in Portland, Oregon, Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency [ invoked the phrase "Listen and Believe"] in her speech on online harassment and sexism. Since then, it's come to be seen as a mocking reference to the sort of mindsets and narratives promoted by anti-GG, SJWs and, the "regressive" Left and authoritarians in general.
* FullMcIntosh
** ''Explanation:'' A reference to the likes of Jonathan McIntosh of Feminist Frequency [[Author Tract|and his ideological musings]], which could charitably be called loaded, if not outright extremist. Related are variations of the phrase "Never go FullMcIntosh," which are usually uttered after encountering such instances.
* #NotYourShield
** ''Explanation:'' A hashtag that was taken up in 2014 by female and minority gamers as well as others to express their discontent and anger at journalists, activists, SJWs and their peers who feign to speak on their behalf. It's also used, despite accusations from anti-GG, to highlight how pro-GG isn't solely comprised of "straight, white men." Although the hashtag itself has since petered out, its impact can still be felt in GG.