Gamergate/Memes: Difference between revisions

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* [Unsolicited Opinions on Israel???]
** ''Explanation'': A reference to a [ now-infamous] January 2016 issue of ''Angela, Queen of Hel'' published by [[Marvel Comics]]. Since then, it's become a [[Fountain of Memes]] in highlighting the more flagrant and blatant examples of [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]] across various forms of media, in addition to heavy-handed and unnecessary socio-political commentary. It's no surprise that it's caught on with pro-GG just as it has with comic fans similarly dumbfounded by the sheer lunacy on display with such lines.
* The Triggering.
** ''Explanation'': A reference to an University of Massachusetts Amherst event on 25 April 2016, which featured a discussion criticizing [[Political Correctness Gone Mad|politically correct movements on campus]] hosted by conservative vlogger Steven Crowder, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Christina Hoff Sommers. [[Meaningful Name|This quickly caught the ire of student protestors]], who tried to shut down the event and accused the speakers of "hate speech" among other things. [[Streisand Effect|Said attempts]] [ backfired] [ spectacularly]. Also related to this is "[ Trigglypuff]," a nickname ascribed to a particularly enraged protestor for her antics and appearance which could be charitably described as the stereotypical SJW made manifest.
[[Category: Pages Original to All The Tropes]]