Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance/Awesome

  • You know that giant saw-bladed monstrosity [dead link] a picture of which has made the rounds on the internet? That's a coal mining machine. Perfectly reasonable for it to be in a quarry where arms dealers meet. Ghost Rider notices it has a cockpit... awesomeness then ensues.
  • Moreau's Dying Moment of Awesome near the end of the second film -- Blackout is disintegrating his body, but rather than panic or scream, he merely delivers a Facing the Bullets One-Liner and then headbutts Blackout so hard that his own head smashes apart. Blackout looks sufficiently stunned afterwards.
    • Carrigan has one even before that. He went and tried to nuke Ghost Rider. TWICE. He even does so with a normal grenade launcher.
  • Wrapping the Devil himself in a chain and slamming him all the way through the earth and straight into Hell certainly qualifies.